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10 Tips to NOT make Elegguá angry What you should know!

What bothers Elegguá

Eleggua He is the first, the mischievous boy who opens the roads and holds the keys to earthly happiness.

He is the one who takes care of the house of the person who owns it and who helps maintain balance, so what bothers him must be respected in order to achieve that well-being.

It is an Orisha who offers options, opportunities and guards the crossroads, the markets, the thresholds of the houses and the curves of the streets.

What bothers the Orisha Elegguá?

It is extremely necessary that the devotees know the best ways to greet and serve you, in addition to the offerings that you like and, above all, it is good to keep in mind that it should not anger Elegguá.

Only he offers the paths that decide the future, destiny and happiness and for that reason he should not be disturbed.

1. Whistle in his presence

One of the things that bothers Elegguá is to whistle or whistle in your presence. Remember that he rests behind the door and it is not advisable to cross it if he whistles, to avoid getting angry.

2. Always the first

In each ceremony he must be worshiped and fed first, as he is the Orisha with the most power after Obatala. If it is not appeased first, it will confuse the ceremony and prevent the offering from reaching the Orishas.

He must be seen on Mondays, to start the week on the right foot, and he does not like that they do not place him behind doors, because that is his favorite place.

  • At the end of the article we leave some of the works and offerings that the orisha can offer.

3. Good character

Eleguá is a witty and playful boy, he loves to do mischief, he is a trickster and his childish spirit makes him boisterous and unruly.

He does not like complaining and bad humor, as he is a cheerful and mischievous saint and constant bad temper does not go with his personality. Serve him in good faith and with good energy, he will appreciate it.

4. Chat with Eleguá

The little giant likes offerings to be announced when they are delivered. When placing them you must always say them out loud to make them happy. For example, you are told:

Little Eleguá,

Here is your daughter / or (your name) asking for your blessing to free me from everything bad.

I thank you for protecting me every day.

I deposit this offering before you (mention what is going to be offered) so that when you receive it you can give me (place your order)

Thank you Eleguá

5. Promises must be kept

What is promised has the obligation to be fulfilled. Sometimes we go through moments of despair, sadness and anxiety, and we promise to the moon in order to get out of the hole.

The Orishas, ​​not even Eleguá, like unfulfilled offers. We must be careful and know that when they support us and solve our problems, we will have pending of which we must not forget.

"The important thing is not what is promised, but what is fulfilled"

6. Don't curse yourself

Eleguá, like all the Orishas, ​​must be respected, therefore, one of the rules that we must follow is to serve him with love and humility, not to push his advice, not to curse him or tell him lies, he knows everything, you must be sincere.

7. Respectful care

When you are in front of the Orisha you must be properly dressed and neat, in front of him you should not have intimate relationships nor can you pass naked with him.

8. The sacred word of Eleguá

Many times we consult and Eleguá gives us his advice, but we must not forget that "He who knows does not pay the same, as he who does not know".

The prohibitions and warnings that the Orishas give us must be respected, because once said you can suffer the consequences. Therefore, the word of the little Orisha is respected and heeded.

9. Taboo Offerings

When you make an offering, do it faithfully and correctly, do not offer plants, fruits or food that are taboo (forbidden) for the Orisha, give him what he likes.

10. Responsibility

Comply with the days of the work or religious work, for example, if an offering is made for 3 days, do not forget to take it to the mountain or to four corners, or wherever it should be left. You must not have offerings in poor condition or past the time in which it is promised to Eleguá.

Attentions are sacred, a ritual should not be neglected, because in addition to obtaining negative results, it can offend Eleguá.

Elegguá is not a vengeful Orisha, but if he gets upset he can ignore the devotee and stop supporting him in his faith, because he is a warrior and a vigilante, and he does not like disrespect.

Learn about some of the works and offerings that you can make on behalf of Eleguá:

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Comments (34)

good I received ellegua and it is a blessing I love him


What a great blessing Lázaro, a hug and may the little giant bring you good luck and health.


Hello, I had a suitcase and my eleggua inside and I left it forgotten and when I returned it was gone, what do I do if I lose my eleggua? What next or what should I do please!!!


Blessings Ann, I can only advise you one thing, and that is to go consult a Babalawo or an Oriate, if he is your godfather, much better so that he can clarify this situation according to the word of the orishas, ​​a hug.


HH Hello, I wanted to start in this religion, but I still can't find how, if you could guide me it would be great for a server, greetings and excellent information.


Ronmel blessings. If you really have faith in our Orishas, ​​the opportunity to initiate yourself will come to your doorstep. Do not stop reading and educate yourself so that you learn more about our religion, a hug.


Good morning to the administrator of this page, I loved it and I hope it continues like this with very good energy, and a nice explanation for which we do not know, I have my father elegua, thank God, but I still do not have the warriors, although every Thing in its time, many blessings and a new and prosperous year.


Yailen thank you very much from the heart for this beautiful message, many blessings and happy holidays with a lot of ashé so that the new year welcomes us with iré. Happy year to all


I am not religious but I liked to read a lot about it and the truth is that everything is to be respected and fulfilled, especially if promises are made in favor of one, my husband is Cuban and has a choice, I have told him that he has to fulfill promises and serve you because the truth has not gone down enough and there is no way to overcome


Ashé Lucy that's right, we must always meet our Orishas.
If you want to read more about the Yoruba religion, we share this link with more content:


I separated from my partner and she kept my elegua and she doesn't want to return it to me, what can happen and how can I get my elegua back. I have it tattooed on my right arm, and I'm confused why I don't have it with me


Panchito blessings, the most accurate and correct recommendation is that you go as soon as possible to consult and they will tell you what to do, regards


Hello, they sold me the elegua, but honestly, I respect religion and how miraculous it is, but I don't know, I don't feel comfortable doing it apart from the fact that I am a devotee of no saint and now I don't know what to do. I made my request and lit the candle last night, but today I have doubts. and I don't feel comfortable in continuing and I don't know what to do.


Katy, both Elegguá and other Orishas, ​​are not bought or sold, they are only received.
You should be well informed before committing to something saintly or spiritual.
Here we advise you to return it to the same place, never throw it away, but return it to the hands that gave it to you.
If you don't believe, you don't have to have something religious. It is one thing to buy and another to receive it correctly.
If you received it, that's another matter.
A greeting and a lot of faith in your life.


Buenas tardes. Lately I have been reading about Elegua and other Deities, I find it interesting and I feel attraction. If I want to make offerings to Elegua, is it necessary to have it?

Gladys, many blessings, many of the offerings we make to you, it is not necessary to have him, you can venerate him with faith if you wish. We leave you some of your offerings where we always specify if it can be done without having it or not. A hug.

Rituals in the name of Elegua:

I really like the Yoruba religion


I had a brain aneurysm on January 6, 2017 where I was very serious and had to operate to avoid dying and I was affected on the left side of my body but thanks to eleggua who is my guardian angel and I have been recovering Very well, I have a lot of faith in him, I have to go to eight due to illness, but I don't have the money to do it, it's what I love the most but I don't have the way.


Roberto, have a lot of faith, the orishas will lead you on the path of Osha if that is your destiny, we must be patient. As you say, Eleguá has been protecting you, and thus great blessings will continue to come to your life. Good health to you and a big hug.

Roberto welcome to our community, you can subscribe for free in the link to receive new articles by mail. Blessings for you.




Daymar blessings to you. In our religion of Regla de Osha-Ifá, the Elegguá is located behind the door or near its entrance. If you can't place Elegua in this place because he can't, it doesn't matter, he knows that for now he doesn't have a place to keep him, but according to my knowledge the portraits of our spirits don't go where Elegguá is. Greetings

I really like this pin it is constructive very spiritual


Juana, a thousand thanks to you for reading us, greetings and blessings.


Hello, consult me ​​with a santero, he told me that I had to do ebo to get out of the madness that I am in, the truth has calmed down a lot, but he told me to receive the NATO of the eleggua that scares me now That deserves respect and rules, I do not feel capable because I have respect for that religion, he asked the saint, if the property he was selling was sold, he received it, but the property was not sold and the truth I do not want the saint to get angry with me, it is not that I do not want to receive it, it is that I have respect for him and fear of failing him ...


Maurely, our heartfelt opinion is that if you are not yet determined to receive it, then don't do so, Eleggua is better to receive it with faith and will. The time will come when he himself will show you the way. Even when you want, you can attend it and talk with Elegguá even if you have not received it. Remember, it is better to fail now than after it is received, honesty is worth a lot and if that is your decision it must be respected, blessings and all good for you.


I don't feel like it but I have always had his image in my house and I would like to learn more about how to take care of him since he has always fulfilled the things that I asked him and brought peace to my life and my home.


Mileisy apologizes for the delay, blessings. We send you two links on how to serve you and works dedicated to the Orisha, greetings


Hello everyone, I am not the daughter of elegua but with my heart and faith I have read everything you say and I dared to make an offering with faith and love and since I do not even have her image, I bought her things and made a symbolic image that I believe that With faith he will listen to me, I think he will help me open my way and my destiny. his advice norm


Norma, thank you for your nice words, Eleguá takes care of us all on the paths of life, even if we have not received it, it is the guardian that protects our steps, have a lot of faith in it as you have done so far and it will always help you, many blessings.

Ola Kiero learn more about the elegua and respect I believe in him but I do not know the rites or offerings and I Kiero aser with great faith


Thank you very much for commenting. I leave you the link of a post to attend Eleguá, blessings and follow with great faith, that this is capable of achieving the impossible. Greetings




Orlando thank you very much for commenting, I leave you in this link a work that can help you, regards.

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