Eleggua He is the first, the mischievous boy who opens the roads and holds the keys to earthly happiness.
He is the one who takes care of the house of the person who owns it and who helps maintain balance, so what bothers him must be respected in order to achieve that well-being.
It is an Orisha who offers options, opportunities and guards the crossroads, the markets, the thresholds of the houses and the curves of the streets.
What bothers the Orisha Elegguá?
It is extremely necessary that the devotees know the best ways to greet and serve you, in addition to the offerings that you like and, above all, it is good to keep in mind that it should not anger Elegguá.
Only he offers the paths that decide the future, destiny and happiness and for that reason he should not be disturbed.
1. Whistle in his presence
One of the things that bothers Elegguá is to whistle or whistle in your presence. Remember that he rests behind the door and it is not advisable to cross it if he whistles, to avoid getting angry.
2. Always the first
In each ceremony he must be worshiped and fed first, as he is the Orisha with the most power after Obatala. If it is not appeased first, it will confuse the ceremony and prevent the offering from reaching the Orishas.
He must be seen on Mondays, to start the week on the right foot, and he does not like that they do not place him behind doors, because that is his favorite place.
- At the end of the article we leave some of the works and offerings that the orisha can offer.
3. Good character
Eleguá is a witty and playful boy, he loves to do mischief, he is a trickster and his childish spirit makes him boisterous and unruly.
He does not like complaining and bad humor, as he is a cheerful and mischievous saint and constant bad temper does not go with his personality. Serve him in good faith and with good energy, he will appreciate it.
4. Chat with Eleguá
The little giant likes offerings to be announced when they are delivered. When placing them you must always say them out loud to make them happy. For example, you are told:
Little Eleguá,
Here is your daughter / or (your name) asking for your blessing to free me from everything bad.
I thank you for protecting me every day.
I deposit this offering before you (mention what is going to be offered) so that when you receive it you can give me (place your order)
Thank you Eleguá
5. Promises must be kept
What is promised has the obligation to be fulfilled. Sometimes we go through moments of despair, sadness and anxiety, and we promise to the moon in order to get out of the hole.
The Orishas, not even Eleguá, like unfulfilled offers. We must be careful and know that when they support us and solve our problems, we will have pending of which we must not forget.
"The important thing is not what is promised, but what is fulfilled"
6. Don't curse yourself
Eleguá, like all the Orishas, must be respected, therefore, one of the rules that we must follow is to serve him with love and humility, not to push his advice, not to curse him or tell him lies, he knows everything, you must be sincere.
7. Respectful care
When you are in front of the Orisha you must be properly dressed and neat, in front of him you should not have intimate relationships nor can you pass naked with him.
8. The sacred word of Eleguá
Many times we consult and Eleguá gives us his advice, but we must not forget that "He who knows does not pay the same, as he who does not know".
The prohibitions and warnings that the Orishas give us must be respected, because once said you can suffer the consequences. Therefore, the word of the little Orisha is respected and heeded.
9. Taboo Offerings
When you make an offering, do it faithfully and correctly, do not offer plants, fruits or food that are taboo (forbidden) for the Orisha, give him what he likes.
10. Responsibility
Comply with the days of the work or religious work, for example, if an offering is made for 3 days, do not forget to take it to the mountain or to four corners, or wherever it should be left. You must not have offerings in poor condition or past the time in which it is promised to Eleguá.
Attentions are sacred, a ritual should not be neglected, because in addition to obtaining negative results, it can offend Eleguá.
Elegguá is not a vengeful Orisha, but if he gets upset he can ignore the devotee and stop supporting him in his faith, because he is a warrior and a vigilante, and he does not like disrespect.
Learn about some of the works and offerings that you can make on behalf of Eleguá:

Eleguá's favorite fruits: Their meaning, rituals and prayers

Ritual with Eleguá How to advance in the economy and business?

Works at the foot of Elegguá in Oyekun Ojuani and other Ifá tips

Addimú at the foot of Eleggua to unlock paths and open them with iré

Work with Elegguá in Oyekun Tura to open paths and 3 tips

Do you need a job? Powerful work with Elegguá to get a job

What do you want in this life? Offer to Elegguá to get it

Release the bad with this Ebbó to Eleguá and receive physical and spiritual health