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My 5 Tips for Celebrating Obatala on His Day

Many people have asked me how to honor Obatalá on September 24, so today I am giving you simple tips to venerate the Father of All and thus attract his blessing.

The truth is that every day I ask my father Obbatala, the greatest Orisha, representative of peace and purity, for his blessing and guidance.

How to Honor Obatalá on September 24?

September 24th is approaching, a date when I feel the need to connect with his serene energy, seeking his guidance and protection. Here I share with you some practical and meaningful tips on how to venerate him and expect his blessing on this important day.

1. My preparation for Obatalá day

The first thing I do is clean my surroundings. It's not just about sweeping or physically cleaning, but also about purifying the space of bad energies.

Obatala values ​​order, cleanliness and clarity, so everything in my house should reflect that harmony. If I have white candles or incense with soft aromas like sandalwood, I use them to reinforce this atmosphere of peace.

2. I dress in white to honor the color of Obatalá

The color white is the symbol of Obbatalá, representing purity, mental clarity and tranquility.

On September 24, I dress completely in white as a way of showing respect and devotion. I also try to keep my thoughts and emotions calm, as Obatala always reminds us to seek inner serenity.

3. What are the Offerings that I make to Obbatalá?

An essential aspect of worshiping Obatala is to make simple but meaningful offerings. I often place white fruits, such as soursop, pears, coconut, rice pudding, meringue, and coconut candy on a white plate.

I also offer white flowers and fresh water, which symbolize purity.

It is important that offerings are made from the heart, with sincerity, since Obbatalá values ​​intention more than quantity.

4. Prayers and Requests to Obbatalá

At the end of my preparations, I take a moment to pray with Faith.

I like to talk to Obbatalá as if I were talking to a father, asking him for guidance and thanking him for his constant protection.

On this day, I ask for inner peace, mental clarity, and blessings for my family. I maintain an attitude of humility, as Obbatalá is an orisha who appreciates patience, calm, and reflection.

5. Meditation and gratitude for all your blessings so far

One of the best ways to honor Obatala is to take time to meditate and reflect on our lives, our actions, and how we can improve.

By doing so, I connect with Obatalá's energy, seeking his wisdom and guidance. This practice helps me find peace and clarity, remembering that Obatalá is always present for those who sincerely seek him.

By honoring Obatala, you will feel his serene presence in your life, protecting and guiding you at every step. By following these tips, I am not only getting closer to him, but I am also inviting his energy of peace, clarity, and protection into my everyday life. 

Many blessings and may the blessing of the father orisha accompany you in every step with much health and abundance, for you and your family, ASHÉ.

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