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An addimú to Elegguá to thank and ask for a lot of prosperity in life

Addimú to Elegguá

Elegguá the prince of Osha, the spoiled child of all, is the one who opens the roads and is the first protection when we decide to take the path of the Osha.

He is represented by the rocks in nature and he is the messenger of Olofin, the destinies are his and without him there is no progress.

In the Yoruba pantheon, he is the one who takes care of the homes and is the gatekeeper of the mountains and savannas, roads, crossroads and corners.

With this offering we ask the owner of destiny to open the way for us

This addimú (offering) is to thank Elegguá although it is also an offering so that development and prosperity visit your life.

It is a very powerful ritual, put a lot of faith and trust in it, do not doubt the results, ask for good things, never evil, ask for health, love, open roads and much abundance, to do justice and to do enemies, the orisha takes care.

Elegguá always knows how to give you what you need even without asking for it, just trust him, everything you can offer him he will accept as long as it comes from the heart.

You can do this work even without having received Elegguá and if you can put it behind the front door much better, but in a visible place for you, preferably on the corner floor.

Important: Keep in mind that out of respect it should not be placed in bedrooms, bathrooms or places of private use.


Since there are several ingredients, keep this in mind so that you do not encounter any obstacles when carrying out the work. I recommend doing it on a Monday morning, which is the day of the orisha.

  • 1 coco
  • Food coloring gel or black and red paint
  • Red precipitate
  • White plate
  • Corojo butter
  • Rice
  • Cornmeal
  • Plant leaves Open the way
  • Smoked hutia
  • Smoked fish
  • grated coconut
  • Colored dragees
  • Honey
  • 1 candle
  • Schnapps
  • Tobacco
  • 3 cents

To consider: The portion of ingredients to use will depend on the size of the coconut.

How do we prepare the offering on behalf of Elegguá?

  1. First the coconut is washed and split in half, it has nothing to do with one half being bigger than the other.
  2. You paint a black part and to the red paint you add red precipitate and you paint the other part with it.
  3. Then let it dry well and the coconut paint dries, smeared corojo butter on both inner sides.
  4. In a separate plate you add rice, cornmeal, leaves chopped with your hands to open the way, smoked jutía and smoked fish and stir with your hands everything so that it is well mixed.
  5. You pour all the ingredients of the dish in one of the parts of the coconut, and on top you add a little grated coconut, dragees and finally honey.
  6. Then you put the other part of the coconut cap on top.
  7. You light the candle to Elegguá, you blow brandy and tobacco smoke. And you say:

Eleggua owner of the four corners
Here is your child (you say your name) asking for your blessing,
My father, greatest of the way, I venerate you today and always
Take the bad things to walk with health, that there is no sickness, that there is no loss, that there is no revolution.
Always give me your protection and shelter in the four cardinal points.

May my life walk forward because you are the one who binds and also unties.
Thank you Eleggua

What should we do with the addimú to Elegguá?

You will leave the candle until it is consumed or you can light it every day for a while, everything will depend on how long you want to leave the addimú to Elegguá.

This work you leave it for as long as you want and then he will go to the mountain with 3 cents of duty and there you will leave him, thanking the orisha.  

I sincerely hope that this work brings you a lot of health, love and open paths for you to be happy and obtain what you want in your life with the blessing of little Eleguá.

Other very beautiful and effective offerings for little Eleguá:

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