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Addimú to Oyá to thank and open the paths

Addimú to Oyá

Oyá It is a venerable Orisha that causes storms, strong winds, eddies and sparks, this Addimú (offering) is in her name so that with its good winds it helps us to sustain our life and achieve the impossible.

A Oyá She loves the mysterious eggplant, a fruit with medicinal and mystical properties, which cleanses our aura, inspires spirituality and provides changes in life.

This addimú is very simple and at the same time our Oyá because it is a very beautiful work and if it is done with the heart and with faith it will be very beneficial.

Ingredients you need for the Offering:

  • 1 large eggplant
  • Corojo butter
  • 9 ribbons of 9 colors
  • 1 white candle
  • 9 cents

How to make Addimú Oyá?

Offerings to Oya in the cemetery
  1. You must first wash the eggplant to remove any negative energy it may have absorbed, the fruits of the works should always be clean.
  2. Then rub the aubergine with corojo butter.

You should always smear the elements with your hands, delicately and faithfully as you do so, thus establishing an energetic connection with the ingredients.

  1. You will take the 9 ribbons of 9 colors and join them by making a knot at their ends, you can also sew them to make it pretty.
  2. Once attached, these ribbons will be smeared with corojo butter.
  3. You will put the colored ribbons on top of the eggplant starting from the stem of the fruit (as in the photo), you can hold them with a knot or with pins.
  4. Then you will light your candle and place your order:

Always remember that faith and love in every prayer must be present.

Orisha OyáI ask for your blessing today and every day
Here is your daughter / or (your name)
Offering you this Addimú (you say the ingredients)
Asking you from the heart to hear my pleas
and grant my request (your request)
I am grateful for such a great favor

  1. He will have that eggplant for 9 days, then he will take it to the door of the cemetery with his 9 cents or to a bush or mountain. 

To consider:

  • Before handing over the right of the 9 cents, clean yourself with them, starting at the head and ending at the feet, remember that you must always cross yourself with the money.
  • If before 9 days the eggplant begins to rot or look bad, you must remove it and take it to the door of the cemetery or to a hill.
  • If you have Osha crowned you should put it in front of your tureen, if you do not have a holy done you will put it in a clean and safe place.

I sincerely hope that this work to the powerful Oyá open the paths and give you health and prosperity.

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