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Addimú at the foot of Yemayá to reach and ask for what you need in your life

Addimú Yemaya

Yemayá is the powerful mother of all, mistress of the sea and the waters of the world, a blue queen and a protective belly that sails seeking happiness for her children.

Mother who cares and takes pity on all those who worship her and cry out for her. What better way than to turn to our mother's advice and guidance to help us solve our problems?

This addimú (offering) is a work that Iyá Yemayá likes very much

What you need from her you can ask her through this work or whatever you want to thank her as well.

  • If you have not received Yemayá, but you have Olokún you can offer it to him too. If you do not have any, you can do it on their behalf.

Always remember that faith is fundamental and very valuable to make any request. Sometimes we lament or curse the Orishas, ​​when the real fault is in ourselves.

Ingredients for Addimú:

Cuban yam
Yam fruit
  • Big yam
  • tenedor
  • Gofio (toasted wheat flour)
  • 1/2 cup of cane molasses
  • Corojo butter
  • Smoked fish
  • Smoked hutia
  • Toasted corn
  • Clay plate, white or blue
  • Honey
  • 2 candles
  • 7 cents

How do we prepare this offering to the Goddess Yemayá?

First we must boil the yam and when it is well cooked, mash it with the help of a fork and add the gofio, cane molasses, corojo butter, smoked fish, smoked jutía, and corn.

  1. You make 7 balls of that already prepared dough and deposit them on a plate, on top you pour a little honey.
  2. You put the plate with the offering at the foot of Yemayá, you light the 2 candles and ask for his blessing.
  3. You talk to him about what you are offering and what you need, but first you will thank him for everything.

We can invoke mother Yemayá with the following beautiful prayer (you need to click the photo below to see it):

In this Addimú to Yemayá for 7 days you will light the candles for a while and on the seventh day you will go to the sea where its powerful waters are or under a leafy tree, there you will leave your offering with the right of 7 cents.

May the blessing of Yemayá reach you with health and love, remember to offer gratitude, show your faith and make your request clearly, blessings.

Other powerful offerings to Yemayá:

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