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Adimú to the Orisha Obatalá with Soursop to overcome difficulties

Adimú to Obatala

Baba Obatala symbolizes purity, therefore its color is white, clean and neat like him, in this adimú (offering) we will use a white mass fruit that the Orisha likes, the soursop.

Obatalá is also the deity who owns the heads, the thoughts of men, who lives at the top of the mountain peaks.

For Obatalá it is a taboo (prohibition) to receive the sun, the air and the serene, situations that we must take into account when making offers to him. This deity is treated with great respect and without haste.

A beautiful offering to the elderly father Obatalá

Soursop for Obatalá
Soursop fruit

Soursop is a very delicious fruit with a bittersweet flavor and its owner is Obatalá, like many other white fruits.

Soursop leaves have many medicinal qualities such as strengthening the nervous, immune and digestion systems.

Ingredients for the work:

  • 1 Soursop not so ripe
  • 1 white plate
  • 2 white candles
  • Cocoa butter
  • Husk
  • 8 white flags
  • 8 cents

How can I make the flags?

You can make them yourself at home, out of fabric or paper, using the branch of a plant as a base. If you want to win with this work, use winning stick or win battles.

I recommend smearing the fabric or paper that you use cocoa butter.

These flags will serve to win your battles either in health or in another area that you need.

If you are crowned and you know the path of your Obatala, you can make the flags depending on the colors of that avatar. For example, half white and half red on the Obatalá Ayagguna road.

How to prepare the offering (adimú) dedicated to Obatala?

If you have not received the Orisha, you can also do this beautiful work.

  1. You wash the soursop and dry it, then place it on the plate.
  2. You light the 2 candles and ask Baba Obbatalá for your blessing
  3. You take the soursop and with both hands you smear cocoa butter on it and you are talking with the orisha.
  4. Then you sprinkle it cascarilla the fruit is completely covered.
  5. You take the 8 white flags that you have made and insert them around the soursop.

You will leave this work for 8 days in a clean and tidy place, each day you will light these candles for a while, preferably at the same time.

Do not forget to talk and ask Baba Obbatalá while you do the addimú, you can use the following prayer to invoke him:

After 8 days, you place the Addimú on a mountain or at the foot of it, with its 8 cents of right, which you will leave in the place next to the offering.

Do this work with great faith, it will bring peace, tranquility and prosperity to your life. When you talk to Father Obatalá do it from the heart, be sincere in your thoughts and words, do not ask evil for anyone and trust his holy blessing.

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