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Adimú for Obatalá ≫ Looking for luck with Father Orisha

Adimú for Obatalá

Luck comes and it does exist, only you must trust your intuition and most importantly have faith and trust in everything you do.

By having faith in your Orishas, ​​in your egguns and in your spiritual guide I assure you that you will achieve what you propose.

Baba Obatala He is the creator of human beings and everything that inhabits the earth, owner of peace and purity. He is a merciful and powerful saint, who rules our thoughts and our heads.

He is treated with respect, and with much love, before him you must show yourself clean and pure of heart.

Offering on behalf of Obatala

This Adimú (offering) for Obatala It will help you to solve all those problems that surround you and it will help you as a good father, to appear in your life the prosperity, health and love that you need.


  • 1 dried coconut
  • 1 white cloth
  • 2 large white candles
  • 1 white plate
  • Cocoa butter
  • Husk
  • Cotton
  • Rice
  • 8 cents

How to prepare the offering to Father Obatala?

  1. You take the dried coconut and wash it to remove any negative energy it may have, then dry it with a clean white cloth.
  2. You light the 2 candles to Obbatalá and place the coconut on top of the white plate in front of the Orisha. If you are aleyo (not initiated in religion) you can do this work by placing the offering up high.
  3. You ask Baba for his blessing and you give him knowledge of what you put for him from Adimú (offering), mentioning its ingredients.
  4. You take the coconut and with both hands you will spread the cocoa butter well and while you do it always visualize what you want.
  5. Now you paint it with cascarilla, you take the cotton and wrap it well.
  6. You put a mattress of rice on the plate (fill the plate with rice), and on top of that mattress the coconut already covered with cotton.
  7. You will leave this offering to Obbatalá for a period of 8 days, each day you will light the candles for a while and talk with Baba.
  8. On the 8th day you will take this adimú to the foot of a mountain, which is the natural temple of the orisha Obatalá, with the 8 centavos of right, that is, you leave the centavos along with the offering.
  9. I recommend that every day you try to light the candles at the same time and if it is after the bath much better and with white clothes.
  10. You can use the following sentence to invoke it: CLICK HERE

Also, after having deposited the Adimú on the eighth day, you can get home and take a bath with white flowers and cascarilla for your spiritual flourishing, in this way you will be renewed and blessed.

  • I also recommend this bathroom with cascarilla: Click here

I sincerely hope that this beautiful ritual in the name of our father Obatalá brings a lot of health, development, love and all the beauty of this world to your life.

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