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Adimú for Oggún ≫ Driving away enemies and attracting good fortune

Adimú for Oggún

The Orisha Oggún it is who represents vigor, work and energetic force. Symbolized in nature by all metals, iron and his great virility.

Owner of the mountain and its roads next to Eleggua y oshosi, also belongs to the group of warriors. He owns the chains and tools.

Powerful offering for Ogun with coconuts

All the Orishas like the coconut and Oggún is not left behind, this adimú (offering) will be dedicated to him.

The coconut is a main element in the Rule of Osha (santeria) that has magnificent spiritual power, it is used in rituals and ceremonies because it purifies, cleanses and heals.

Ingredients that we will use:

  • 2 coconuts
  • White plate
  • 1 white candle
  • Guinea pepper
  • Smoked fish
  • Smoked hutia
  • Corojo butter
  • Toasted corn
  • Honey bee
  • Brandy or white rum
  • Tobacco
  • 3 cents

How to make this offering to the iron warrior, Oggún?

Adimú for Oggún to the railroad
  1. Take the washed coconuts and cut them in half.
  2. If you want to use coconut water, you can use it in baths, home cleaning, bathing Elegguá or refreshing necklaces, it is a purifying and healing water.
  3. You will take 3 covers of those coconuts (the fourth cover can be thrown away or used as an offering) and you place them on a white plate in front of Oggún.
  4. You light the candle and ask the Orisha warrior for your blessing.
  5. You blow Oggún brandy and tobacco smoke.
  6. In each coconut bowl you place:
  • A guinea pepper,
  • smoked fish,
  • smoked hutía,
  • corojo butter and
  • toasted corn,
  • You will also pour in some honey, brandy and blow tobacco smoke.

You will leave this work for three days and each day you will light the candle for a while, while you ask it to free you from enemies and attract tranquility to your life, to clear the way and bring you health and new opportunities.

After three days the work will be completed and you will take it to a train line with three cents as a right.

The Orisha is greeted with great respect saying: Oke Oggun! Oggun Kobú Kobú, Aguanilé!

May Oggún accompany you and always bless you.

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