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Who is Ana? The goddess of drums Batá

Añá Yoruba

The so-called batá drums in Cuba represent the spiritual process of transculturation that has taken place on the island since the colony and are also inherited from the African ancestors, linked to the practice of the Yoruba religion in Cuba and the precepts of the Rule of Ocha .

The music of these elements is sacred and is aimed at establishing communication with the deities, for this a religious ritual dedicated to Ana.

Añá is the deity who defends and protects the men on earth who live under the mantle of Olodumare and also has the power to establish communication with the Orishas through them.

Also called AnyaIt is related to the wood of the trees, and has the virtue of communicating with all the Orishas, ​​as it rests inside the batá drum.

Añá, the music of spiritual communication of the yoruba

Ana in the yoruba religion He is the one who informs Olofi and the orishas when there is a celebration in honor of them on Earth and that humans want to communicate with them.

The music of these instruments is so important in the Regla de Ocha that the elders say that the drums do not play, but rather "speak", due to the intrinsic connection they establish.

Also the santeros must be presented before Ana after being consecrated in the osha, for only then will it be recognized in the eyes of Olofin and will be able to be present at the ceremonials to pay tribute to the orishas.

The role of Añá and the Batá drums

Ana It is possible to communicate with all the Orishas with a different touch for each deity through the call of the batá drums, an inseparable family of three drums that, from largest to smallest size, are called:

  • Iya,
  • Itótele and
  • Okonkolo.

In the Yoruba religion the Omoalañas or “priests of Añá"They are the ones who play the batá that call the orisha together and make it manifest on Earth both at celebrations and at funeral services.

The rhythmic touches go according to the individualities and behaviors of each Afro-Cuban deity.

And each touch attends to a pre-established ritual for the songs and dances that take place during the religious celebration of the Oru de Eyá Aranlá (if it takes place in the living room of the house) and the Iban Baló (if it takes place in the patio) or in funeral rites.

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