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Do you want to ward off problems? A rice pudding for Obatalá as an offering

a rice pudding for Obatalá

With the offerings we demonstrate our faith to the Orishas, ​​in this case to Baba Obbatalá who governs our thoughts, heals our minds and offers us health, frees us from battles and always prevails as a guardian in our lives.

Obbatalá represents neatness, cleanliness and total purity. For this reason, he is treated neat and dressed in white or the lightest color possible.

Addimú to Obatalá to eliminate problems and overcome obstacles

Plate of rice pudding for Obatalá

The favorite food of the white father is rice pudding and it will be the main ingredient of this Addimú.

Even if you have not received Obbatalá, you can do the work if you believe in Baba. In that case, choose a clean and organized place to place the work.

All the works that you do must add your faith and will because with them everything is achieved and goes far.

You must always believe in what you do, no matter how small the offering you make.


  • Rice
  • Cow milk
  • Optional goat milk
  • White sugar
  • White plate
  • Cocoa butter
  • 2 white candles

How do you make rice pudding for Obatalá?

To start, you must make rice pudding. There are many ways to do it and everyone has their own skill. But if you have never made it, I will explain it here.

  1. First you must heat the milk together with the white sugar over low heat, while you wash the rice and drain it well.
  2. When the milk starts to boil, add the rice and let the rice cook in the milk for 50 minutes.
  3. You must stir from time to time avoiding that it does not burn or stick to the casserole.
  4. When you see that the rice is well done, that is, soft, you can remove it from the heat.

Once the rice pudding is ready ...

While still hot, be very careful not to burn yourself and pour it onto a white plate, adding cocoa butter on top.

You present it to Baba Obatalá and light his 2 candles, and you say:

Baba Obbatalá
Here is your daughter / or (you say your name)
Surrendering Moforibale and asking for your blessing
I offer you this Addimú of rice pudding that you like so much, very hot I put it for you at all hot it reaches me and away from problems.
Maferefún Babá Obbatalá!

When it cools you can add goat's milk, and if you don't have any, it doesn't matter.

Offering of balls or tower for Baba Obatalá and the mountain

With that rice and in front of Obbatalá you make 8 balls or if you prefer a tower, remember, that it is firm and does not fall.

You will leave this Addimú for about 4 days, on the fourth day you remove it and with 8 cents you go to the foot of a mountain or an elevation where Baba lives, and there you will leave it always asking for his blessing.

And remember, this is a rice pudding for Obatalá where faith and love are the main ingredient.

May Obatalá give you peace, tranquility and above all a lot of health. Blessings for you.

Learn about other offerings for Father Obatalá:

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