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Aurora Lamar Oba Tolá: Cuban Iyalosha, spirit of power and light

Aurora Lamar Oba Tolá

Santiago at heart Aurora Lamar was a renowned Cuban iyalosha who stood out within the Osha practices on the island for having been the precursor of saintly consecrations in the east of the country during the decade from 1920 to 1930.

Aurora had Shangó crowned with gold for Aggayú and His saint name was Oba Tolá. She was the founder of the saint branch known as the Trapito, as they traveled throughout the island with her saints in cloth bags to carry out saint consecrations in the company of Santeras, Oriate and Babalawos.

Other people attribute to Aurora Lamar the foundation of the La Pimienta saint branch known for holding its religious activities in a neighborhood called Atare, a word that in the Yoruba dialect means guinea pepper.

Some testimonies assure that her saint branch was divided when her marital separation from the well-known Ifá priest Don José Ramón Gutiérrez took place. Aurora Lamar was the godmother of many religious saints whom she taught religion to work wherever it was needed, but fundamentally in his land, because the ashé of the place existed in that area, since he affirmed that the same holy herb existed in all parts of Cuba, but not everywhere the same energy.

Shangó and Aggayú were two Orishas that Aurora she venerated throughout her life, but testimonies assure that she felt great devotion to the cult of the two waters, she firmly believed in the union of Oshún and Yemayá to overcome difficulties, mainly due to health problems, pregnancies and marital unions.

She was one of the first iyaloshas who believed in the power of keep your waist tied to avoid disturbances and witchcraft and tie the bellies to achieve the creatures.

It is known that in 1965, at his request the drum set was moved Aña by Fermín Bastide and Amador Herrera to play at the home of Ramón Lazo Monguito Oló Oshún, who was highly regarded by Lamar.

Aurora was called by the saint Oba Tolá, a name that means the king's castle, she did not live in a castle, but she was queen because she had a crown and she dedicated herself to putting a crown in the religious world to save humanity.

It is remembered in all religious moyugbas for being a spirit of power and light to which knowledge must be given before carrying out the consecrations, for being one of the most important ancestors that our Osha rule has.

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