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How does Babalú Ayé speak for the Oracle of the Coconut? ≫ Advice from the Orisha

Babalú Ayé speaks in the coconut

In the Yoruba religion, the Oracles play an important role, since they allow communication with the Orishas and eggunes which is interpreted for the good of the devotees by the santeros or babalawos.

The three most important Yoruba Oracles within the Rule of Osha and Ifá are:

  • The Oracle of Obi or Biague (of the coconut),
  • that of the Diloggún and
  • the Oracle of Ifá.

To play Obi's Yoruba Oracle, four pieces of coconut are thrown on the floor and then read.

This Oracle is the least complex, but no less important, since although it gives quick answers from the Orishas, ​​most of them yes or no to questions asked, it is a sacred system of communication with the deities.

There are 5 possible combinations to play the Oracle of Obi:

  • Alafia: The four coconut shells fall face up which implies grace, yes, peace, prosperity;
  • itagua with three pieces face up and one face down indicating Yes, but without security;
  • eyelife, with two up and two down, it is a resounding yes with firmness;
  • okana, three down and one up implies bad handwriting and
  • Heykun, all face down, announces evil, disaster, misfortune.

Babalú Ayé speaking in the Oracle of Obi

Babalú and his advice in the coconut

Babalu Aye speaks in the Oracle of Biagué or Obi when the coconuts form a horizontal plane: three coconuts in a line and one on top of one end, as if it were a bed and a pillow on top.

Through the different signs that we explained above, Babalú Ayé expresses himself with respect to the consulted with life situations in general, but above all on issues associated with health, since it is the Orisha who cures plagues and human ailments.

Babalú is sung the following suyere:

Kinka mashé iyá, to mo wa baba,
to fi my was going aku. To fi mi ibu ashe.
loni kaloba, kola kosheano,
buruku prekua, ofu oba fuja ki ere.
sodosha rikida she, effefio re.

Advice from the Orisha ...

Thus speaks Babalú Ayé through the Oracle:


  • The 4 obbinu (pieces of coconuts) fall face up

The consulted will see that whenever he passes where there are dogs, they will follow him and sniff him and that is because he is accompanied by one of Babalú's messengers.


  • Of the 4 obbinu, 3 fall face up, and 1 face down.

Babalú Ayé tells the consulted person to note that he always has something in his body to heal and is always taking medicine, to put on Babalú Ayé's underwear and present him with adimú (offering).


  • Of the 4 obbinu 2 fall face up, and 2 face down.

The Orisha tells the querent that what he does is fine, but that he must take the straight path and live with the commandments of religion, that he was born to be a santero and as long as he is not, he will not go well.


  • Of the 4 obbinu 1 fall face up, and 3 face down. 

Babalú Ayé says that the problems of the consulted are due to their pride and incredulity, that they should not blaspheme or curse. You have to beg your head with a bird of the orisha Obatala and wear a white collar for a while to vent.


  • The 4 pieces of coconuts fall upside down, they fall showing their dark part. 

The saint has been saying that the disease stems from the plague, and that if the person consulted is humble he should wear Babalú Ayé's clothes for a time and he will improve. He must feed the warriors and a rooster to Saint Lazarus.

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