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Dance of Shango: Dance of energy and fire

Shango dance

Shango it is the purest energy and overflowing passion. He rules the lightning, thunder, fire, drums and dance.

He is a warrior orisha of intelligence and sharp wit, irascible temperament and is characterized as virility in all its sense.

And as such is the Shango dance, a virile and masculine representation, energetic and possessive. It is the passion awake and the desire for battle.

There is no devotee who does not know the typical way of dancing to honor this saint. A violent and strong dance in every sense of the word, where red is crowned as the color of challenge and battle.

Shango, the Orisha of dance

Changó is also the god of dance and music and owner of the Batá, Wemdamientos, Ilú Batá or Bembés drums.

Nothing better to please the deity than to represent the dance of The Lord of Thunder, with that joie de vivre, the intensity of life, masculine beauty and passion.

In the Shango dance, he hits his head and goes three turns of the ram towards the drums. The dancer opens his eyes wide and sticks out his tongue.

The characteristic movements of his dance are swinging the ax and grabbing the testicles, in full male manifestation.

It is the living image of energy, with a violent dance accompanied by strange gestures.

Shango's dances are usually warrior or erotic. He can swing his ax and make threatening gestures, even acting lewd to the women in the audience.

The dancers to present their devotion, imitate their movements and their sexual swagger.

Shango dance tradition

Many are the dance groups that represent the Shango dance and that they adopt the saint as their main figure.

It's an example, Shangó Dances “The Origin”, International Meeting of Cuban Rhythms and Dances, which is the most important Reference Festival of Cuban Traditional Popular Culture in Europe, developed in Madrid since 2015.

The event aims to raise awareness of the roots of traditional Cuban popular culture and to create bridges and cultural ties between Spain, Cuba and Latin America.

In this festival, the dancers honor the Orishas, ​​mainly Shango, dedicating their dances to him.

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