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Spiritual bath with «Rice water» for luck. Powerful and effective!

rice water bath for luck

This spiritual bath with rice water attracts luck, it is very effective for us to do well, cleanse negative energies and be successful.

Rice represents abundance, prosperity and development, its water is widely used to change our fortune, attract wealth and cleanse our astral, it also has many healing and healing properties.

It is rich in protein so apart from cleaning and calming us it benefits our skin. Spiritually it helps us to ward off evil spirits, so the rice water bath is simple but very powerful and effective.

Spiritual cleansing with rice water


  • 2 containers
  • Rice
  • Husk
  • Eau de cologne
  • 1 white candle
  • 1 transparent white glass or glass
  • White scarf or keel to cover the head

Bath procedure:

  1. You take one of the basins (containers) and add a little rice.
  2. That water will let it sit overnight.
  3. The next day when that water is white, he will pour it into the other basin (only the rice water), he will also pour cascarilla and eau de cologne.
  4. Before showering with that prepared water, you will take the glass or glass and pour tap water over it and preferably put it up high (on top of a piece of furniture).
  5. You will light a white candle next to it and dedicate it to your protective spirit and ask what you want to achieve with that bath.

We can ask that this bath of rice water for luck drives away the bad, that the negative energies do not surround it, that it scare away the enemies, that the obstacles that are encountered in our way be knocked down.

We will also ask for protection for ourselves and our family, but above all we pray for health and well-being.

Remember always do the work when you feel calm and the space in your house is calm. Meditate a little before, talk with your thoughts so that your mind and body clarify what you want and need in your life.

  1. He will then proceed to take a bath with that water already prepared, from the shoulders down, not on the head.
  2. After leaving, it will dry off with the towel (I recommend white) although I advise you to let that water dry on your body.
  3. Then he will put on his white head scarf, in this way you protect yourself from bad energies.
  4. This spiritual cleansing bath should be done for 3 consecutive days, always with great faith and conviction in what is being done.

These works need a lot of your spirituality and balance of energies, always do it with love and trust.  

Important: The baths are recommended to be carried out before going to bed, avoid going out afterwards, remember that when this work is done, your energies are cleaned and you can collect them outside.

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