Some say that luck comes alone, others that it does not come alone and must go in search of it.
Each one has their destiny written down, but if you see that things are going wrong and you want to make the negative forces that surround you change through a ritual and ask your Guardian Angel, who is the one who watches over you every day, helps you and offers protection, you can opt for these good luck baths.
What are these spiritual baths for?
- For good luck in life, in love, in health and development
- Attract money, prosperity and fortune
- Remove bad luck and negative energies that haunt us
- Generate luck in work, business and abundance
- Get a job and a decent livelihood
I recommend this bath for 3 days in a row, without stopping giving you any so that it is very effective.
Always have a lot of faith because without it all is lost.
My grandmother said: Walk in faith, God sees you.
- Container with serene water (Learn how to prepare serene water Click here)
- Guarapo or sugarcane juice
- Mint leaves
- Parsley leaves
- Cologne or perfume preferably white
- Cocoa butter
- A glass of goat's milk or whole cow's milk
- 1 candle
- Cascarilla: Below is an article on how to do it at home
How do you make these herbal baths to remove bad luck?
The serene water is a powerful element in this work, it is the water that is made blessed by receiving God's blessing through the serene night.
To do this, we leave it in the open the night before, with a cloth so that bugs and dirt do not enter it, and we collect it very early before the sun rises.
They say that it is good to put the water container on some wood.
- In the previously serenized water, add a splash of guarapo, add some leaves of good grass and also parsley.
- You start to squeeze the herbs until you get all the juice, the water should be green.
- Then strain it and add a splash of eau de cologne, a small piece of cocoa butter and a glass of milk.
- You also sprinkle a little bit of Cascarilla powder.
- The already prepared container should be placed in front of your spiritual vaultIf you don't have it, it can be in front of an altar, or you can also light a candle dedicated to your Guardian Angel next to a transparent glass with water.
If you want to know more about the Spiritual Vault, its powers, meaning and how to assemble it, I recommend this article, click here to read more.
- Once the candle is lit, you pray our Father, a Hail Mary and the Guardian Angel prayer:
Our father:
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be your Name, your Kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread; forgive our offenses, as we also forgive those who offend us; do not lead us into temptation, and deliver us from evil. Amen.
Praying the Hail Mary:
God save you, Mary, you are full of grace, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among all women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Prayer to the Guardian Angel of a person:
Beloved spirits, guardian angels, you whom God, in his infinite mercy, allows to watch over men, be our protectors in the trials of our earthly life.
Give us strength, courage and resignation; inspire us with all that is good and stop us on the slope of evil; let your sweet influence penetrate your soul; let us know that a sincere friend is close to us here, who sees our sufferings and takes part in our joys.
And you, my guardian angel, do not abandon me; I need your protection to endure with faith and love the trials that God wants to send me. So be it.
A good bathroom to attract good luck What you should keep in mind!
- When you have made the prayers you can remove the water and go to shower, but always with the candle lit and when you finish showering you dress in white and extinguish the candle.
- You always take a shower and pour that water from your shoulders down to protect your head, which is very sensitive, especially to some elements such as herbs.
- I recommend that you should not dry out, let that water dry on your body so that the spiritual essence remains impregnated in you.
I suggest you prepare the bath water for the three days in one go, because if you are busy that way you will not skip any and it will be easier. In case you have time, every day you can do the ritual and prepare the fresh water.
Thousands of blessings to you, and with these baths of good luck may good things come into your life accompanied by health, love and much prosperity.