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The Most Unknown Roads of the mighty Azojano Did you know them?

Roads of Azojuano

Asojano He is a virtuous deity within the Yoruba Pantheon. Olodumare He was so confident in his wisdom that on multiple occasions he turned to his advice in order to make certain decisions.

Of this Orisha stands out her mercy which she pours daily on the human race.

He is a great protector of nature and animals. In many of his adventures on earth, this saint was accompanied by two dogs who became his most faithful friends and messengers.

One of the favorite addimús (offerings) of Babalu Aye It is the Majarete con leche, a sweet that is made from the juice obtained from pressed corn, although it can be honored with other foods such as toasted corn and purple onion.

The animals that immolate themselves a Saint Lazarus They must not be young, we can mention among these the bearded goat, the guinea fowl, the rooster and the pigeons.

Powerful Orisha Herbs:

Among its ceremonial ewes (herbs) are:

  • the Cundeamor,
  • the Sargasso,
  • the Sassafras,
  • the Alacrancillo,
  • the Caisimon,
  • the Holy Basil,
  • the Ash,
  • the Millo,
  • the Botija Pinion,
  • the Caisimon,
  • the Bejucubí and
  • the Holy Thistle among others.

The same herbs that he uses in the development of his holy ceremonies and in his healing rituals.

Of the Caminos de Babalú Ayé these are some of the less known:

The unknown roads of Azojuano

Babalú Ayé Baba Yonko:

He is one of the oldest Saint Lazars that has ever lived on earth, in his town he was venerated for the vast knowledge he possessed about medicinal plants and how they are used, for which he was recognized with the title of healer. 

Babalu Ayé Baba Odé:

This avatar of Saint Lazarus is represented by an old man of strong character and noble soul, who watches over the well-being of the underprivileged and the beggars to whom he offers food and water, he wears a purple cloak at night.

Babalu Aye Osanlao:

It is the representation of Asojano who heals using only natural oils, for his worship requires the possession of an oil lamp which will be the source of light that will radiate the Orisha perennially.

Babalú Aye Baba Wueroato:

He is a witch, healer and messenger of Olodumare, this deity is in charge of communicating to the other Orishas the final decisions of the supreme Orisha.

Babalu Ayé Abosojun:

He is a holy connoisseur of plants and their secrets, this deity performs his sacred rituals with the help of the vines that grow in the mountains where he obtains them.

Babalu Aye Azowano:

This avatar of Saint Lazarus is known to be the protector deity of the fields of crops related to grains.

Smallpox is believed to be the disease with which it punishes the wrongdoings of man. This deity is also known under the name of Sampana.

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