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Caminos de Babalú Ayé ≫ The Orisha of Contagious Diseases

Roads of Babalú Ayé

Babalu Aye He is the Orisha of leprosy, smallpox, venereal diseases and miseries of the world, specifically of contagious diseases such as plagues and pandemics.

He is well known and revered, in his syncretism with Saint Lazarus, miraculous Catholic saint who is prayed for health and the cure of various ailments, because as the Orisha governs the healing of men on earth.

The Saint San Lázaro and the Orisha Babalú Ayé, a single faith

Babalú Ayé and San LázaroThey are one of the most revered deities in Cuba for their immense powers to alleviate ailments. He is prayed for miraculous cures every December 17, a day in which many faithful devotees keep promises and wear sackcloth in his honor.

Both, the Saint and the Orisha have representations of sick elderly, they themselves have suffered in their own flesh the pain of suffering, their healing miracles have given hope to the most needy, unprotected and sick, who pray their intercession so that their mantle shelter and protect.

In the Yoruba religion Babalú Ay He is also very feared, in his hands is the salvation of the world, but he is a deity with powers capable of unleashing the worst epidemics and contagious diseases, destroying the human being and his life on earth.

In nature, during the day it hides among ivy, coral reef and cundeamor to protect itself from the sun.

He prefers to walk at night in the dark and his name comes from the Yorùbá Babàlúaíyé (father of the world), in Africa it was known under the name of Samponá or Sakpatá, for being smallpox and leprosy, deadly diseases.

The Orisha Babalú Ayé and its best known paths

Roads of Babalú Ayé and San Lázaro
Representation of Saint Lazarus syncretized with Babalú Ayé

It is necessary to mention that this powerful deity is known by several names, including:

  • Samponá or Sakpatá,
  • Shapkuana
  • Obalu Aye
  • Azojuano (Azowano),
  • King of Nupe,
  • Slime,
  • Oluo Popo.

Let's see now, some of the most important roads of Babalú Ayé:

Babalú Ayé Ajorotomi, pollutes the water

On this path, Babalú Ayé is the one who brings with him the plague and the evils of the water witches, his energy is capable of contaminating the precious liquid in its path.

Babalú Ayé Beluja, the one who boards the ships

The Orisha of the plague is associated with the sea and is considered the adopted son of the Queen of the salty waters, Yemaya.

Babalú Ayé Beluja belongs to the people of the fish.

Carrying a machete and baton, he boards ships, spreading illnesses in crews such as scurvy, a powerful nutritional disease that could wipe out entire crews, among other deadly ailments.

Babalú Ayé Bokú, the one of the spirits

Babalú Ayé Bokú works in cemeteries and on the sacred mountain. This path of the Orisha of the plague is represented in the guise of a living dead, due to its relationship with the spirits. It is similar in appearance to a zombie or undead and thus roams the roads.

The Egguns and spirits Those who accompany him on this path are symbolically killed, buried and brought back to life. For this reason, powers over life and death are attributed to this path of Babalú Ayé.

Babalú Ayé Molú, catch on the road

On this path, Babalú Ayé traps people or animals and hits them with his plague. Walk and kill everything in its path.

Babalú Ayé Olode, sick under the sun

This Babalú works in the open, open spaces, in the open air.

It attacks people and animals preferably in the hours that the sun is at its highest peak.

He is the cause of fevers, heat stroke and viruses that spread especially with the high temperatures of summer.

Babalú Ayé Oloko, mighty among the plants

On this path, Babalú Ayé lives in the countryside and near crops, places where he displays his power, causing plagues in plants and farmers.

Babalú Ayé Sapata, arms of rock

The name of this path indicates "one whose arms are strong as rock" and it is said that when Babalú Ayé Sapata hits, he kills. Attack enemies with deadly diseases and epidemics.

Babalú Ayé Chakuaná, the disobedient

In this way the Orisha collected all the contagious diseases of the earth for being disorderly and disobedient with the elders, for the same reason he was dismissed for his character.

They also closed the doors to religion, he was despised, the only one who gave him help was Elegua.

Then on the advice of orula He came to other lands and became a powerful deity, making ebbo the earth swallowed all its evils.  

Other paths of Babalu Ayé:

We must say that there are numerous paths of Babalú Ayé, Orisha of the disease, of which there is little or no information. We share them below:

Babalu Ayé Aberu Shaban.Babalu Aye Abokun.Babalu Ayé Abosojun.
Babalu Ayé Adan Wan.Babalú Ayé Adu Kake.Babalu Ayé Afimaye.
Babalu Ayé Afisino Sanajui.Babalú Ayé Afrekerete.Babalu Aye Afrosan.
Babalu Ayé Agdi.Babalú Ayé Agrozumeto.Babalú Ayé Agua.
Babalú Ayé Ajidenudo.Babalú Ayé Aldamacururu.Babalu Aye Alino.
Babalu Aye Alipret.Babalu Aye Aliprete.Babalu Aye Aloa.
Babalú Ayé Aluiya.Babalu Ayé Amabo.Babalú Ayé Ano Yiwe.
Babalu Aye Apadado.Babalú Ayé Asojuano or Asowano.Babalú Ayé Asoyí or Asojí.
Babalú Ayé Astrás.Babalu Ayé Avidmaye.Babalú Ayé Aviuden.
Babalú Ayé Ayano.Babalu Ayé Azon Tuno.Babalú Ayé Babá Agrónica or Acrónica.
Babalu Ayé Baba Aluwa.Babalú Ayé Babá Aribó or Babá Arubó.Babalu Ayé Baba Mafi.
Babalú Ayé Baba Odé.Babalú Ayé Baba Wueroato.Babalú Ayé Baba Yonkó.
Babalu Aye Bayanana.Babalú Ayé Chakuaná or Chakpana.Babalu Ayé Da Souyi Ganhwa.
Babalu Ayé Dada Punpola.Babalú Ayé Dakuanambo.Babalú Ayé Dap Rodo.
Babalu Ayé Dasano Atin.Babalu Ayé Dassano Molu.Babalu Aye Demashe.
Babalu Ayé Efundo.Babalu Aye Felu.Babalu Aye Gauze.
Babalu Ayé Gbo Zuhon.Babalu Aye Houla.Babalu Aye Hountebe.
Babalu Aye Hountese.Babalu Ayé Jolobato.Babalú Ayé Joto Roñu.
Babalu Ayé Joto Sojura.Babalu Aye Jumewe.Babalu Ayé Juni.
Babalu Aye Kake.Babalu Aye Kalinotoyi.Babalu Aye Kanepo.
Babalu Ayé Kpada Dayigbo.Babalu Aye Kujunu.Babalu Ayé Kusue.
Babalu Aye Kutumase.Babalú Ayé Lanwelosán.Babalu Aye Laundo.
Babalu Aye Leke.Babalu Ayé Lokuón.Babalu Aye Lumpue.
Babalú Ayé Miyanya or Miyanye.Babalu Ayé Nanu.Babalu Ayé Niyone Nanu.
Babalu Ayé Obarileo.Babalu Aye Ogumo.Babalu Aye Ojukame.
Babalu Aye Osanlao.Babalu Ayé Osunike.Babalu Aye Otobue.
Babalu Ayé Rujuere.Babalu Ayé Sagpatá.Babalu Ayé Shakuana.
Babalu Aye Shamafo.Babalu Aye Shono.Babalu Ayé Socutá.
Babalu Ayé Somemo Maya.Babalu Aye Soyaya.Babalú Ayé Sujjú.
Babalu Aye Susana.Babalu Aye Suvinegue.Babalu Aye Tokuon.
Babalu Aye Toseno.Babalu Aye Yanu.Babalú Ayé Yesá.
Babalu Aye Yonko.Babalu Aye Zoninu.Babalu Aye Zuko.

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