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Aboriginal genesis: Caonao and Jagua, a beautiful love legend

Caonao and Jagua

Caonao, he was the chief of men and owner of the lands that were grouped under the name of Cuba, an aboriginal word whose translation into Spanish meant large and sown land.

He grew up worshiping the spirit of the river and thanks to his father's advice he became a good man, highlighting among his virtues his unsurpassed qualities as a warrior and hunter.

Attributes that had made him worthy of becoming a chieftain.

Despite all the virtues that surrounded Caonao, he was rarely seen to smile, many suspected that there was something missing because his eyes reflected a deep loneliness.

Caonao illuminated his soul with great love

One morning he realized what made him feel incomplete, discovering that the lack of a great love darkened his soul.

Not many women lived on his land, but he never lost faith that he would find true love in the not-too-distant future.

One morning while hunting in the forest he came across a plain full of wild flowers, the kind we popularly call witches, which appear after heavy rains, and he stood contemplating the landscape that his eyes treasured.

On his walk he also found fruits and began to collect them in a basket that he brought with him, suddenly Maroya, an indigenous deity, appeared before the chief and turned the basket of fruits into a beautiful maiden, with bulging eyes, pink cheeks and long hair. black.

Jagua, the gift of Maroya the goddess of the moon

His name, Jagua, from the Siboney language meant origin, mine and wealth And it was never such a successful name as this, because Jagua brought to Caonao all that his name promised, making him very happy.

And in honor of this, the cacique designated the name of Jagua to the tree from which the fruits that had served as the seed for the birth of his future wife came.

From that moment the chief felt complete and was able to know the value of love and understood that without this feeling the world had no meaning.

Maroya, the goddess of the moon had rewarded him with a treasure that he never dreamed of deserving.

Then Jagua was in charge of many tasks in the aboriginal tribe, since it had knowledge about medicinal plants and their correct use against diseases.

As a direct descendant of Maroya, he partially controlled the tide and knew when to take refuge from sea storms.

From the union of Caonao and Jagua, the indigenous population in Cuba began to spread, a legend that recounts the beginning of the emergence of the autochthonous natives belonging to our beautiful Antillean island.

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