Letter to Obatalá: loving you explodes my chest like a volcano in perennial eruption Ninette Caren Fernandez
I pray for the month of January: Start the new year on the right foot and with a lot of faith Claudia Rodriguez
Healing ritual at the foot of Saint Lazarus for your health or that of another person Tips from a Santera
Saint Lazarus and the Pilgrimage to the Sanctuary of the Corner: A powerful prayer Ninette Caren Fernandez
Prayer to the Archangel Raphael How to ask for health for a sick family member? Ninette Caren Fernandez
Prayer of petition to the Virgin of the Valley: the most tender and sweet of the Mothers Ninette Caren Fernandez
Prayers to the Virgencita de la Sonrisa, Patroness of the sick without judgment Ninette Caren Fernandez
Prayers and offerings to Ochosi, the Orisha who does justice with a bow and arrow Ninette Caren Fernandez
5 Short prayers to Saint Michael the Archangel May his power protect us today! Ninette Caren Fernandez
What is required of Obba? Mother Orisha I beg you to take care of me and guide me in life Claudia Rodriguez
Saint John the Baptist opens the roads and fulfills requests with this prayer Ninette Caren Fernandez
The Prayer for the Study of Saint Thomas Give me, Lord, the gift of knowledge! Ninette Caren Fernandez
Beautiful prayer to Sara Kali: I pray for protection against the evil that lurks Ninette Caren Fernandez
Prayer of the 14 Holy Helpers for the evil to come out and the good to come in Ninette Caren Fernandez
3 Christian prayers to Mary Help of Christians to beg for her miraculous help Ninette Caren Fernandez
3 Prayers to Mary Help of Christians, Virgin protector of the home and family Ninette Caren Fernandez
Saint Leocadia: Faith overcomes any adversity I pray in the face of difficulties! Ninette Caren Fernandez
Saint John the Baptist, the Forerunner of Christ: 2 Powerful Prayers to the Saint Ninette Caren Fernandez
Invocation to the Archangel Gabriel Deliver us from affliction and intercede! Ninette Caren Fernandez
Prayer of gratitude to the great Chango Let's visit the Orisha at the foot of the palm! Claudia Rodriguez
Prayers to the great fortune teller Orula ► To open paths, ask for light and wisdom Claudia Rodriguez
The Prayer to the Just Judge to ward off enemies and "if he has eyes, do not see me" Ninette Caren Fernandez
Do you know the Prayer to Saint Luis Beltrán that heals all evil and protects? Ninette Caren Fernandez
Prayers to Obatalá in the Yoruba and Lucumí languages to invoke him and give thanks Claudia Rodriguez