Adalberto Álvarez: Cuban, sonero and Ifá priest

Dorotea Piqué: A clear conscience is an inexhaustible source of iré

Tomas Romero: The Osha is born from knowledge, faith and the heart

Liberato Valdés Ewin Leti: The Ears of Obatalá

The priest of Ifá Ño Remigio Herrera Addeshina Obara Meyi and his legacy

Olga la Tamalera, a great devotee of Obatalá who overcame strong tests

Ifá priest Miguel Febles: neither time nor death were able to erase his tracks

Cuban Yoruba Family Tree: light and spiritual progress to the ancestors

Pedro Muñoz Ogunda Biode: Tribute to the Yoruba roots of Cuba

Alberto Méndez: Between the Waters of Folklore and Classical Dance

Evelynn Álvarez: The Woman in Flight in favor of their Cultural Identities

Santiago Alfonso: The imprint of the African in the body and soul of a Cuban

Eduardo Arrocha: An Illustrious in Design for the Scene

In praise of a white maroon

Nancy Morejón and her lyrics dedicated to Yemayá, Mother Water

Natalia Bolívar and her books of secrets, stories and identity

Alberto Yarini: Cuban, white and Abakuá pimp

Lázaro Ros, the Senior Akpwon of Cuba Ocha Niwe

Celia Cruz, songs of faith and love to the Saints, Cuba and the world

Merceditas Valdés, The Little Aché of Cuba

Celina González, songs to Santa Bárbara Bendita

Lydia Cabrera, discovering Afro-Cuban treasures

Enriquito Hernandez Armenteros

Fernando Ortiz, in defense of Cuban identity

Natalia Bolívar and her gift to Afro-Cuban culture

Fermina Gómez Pastrana, the one who gave Olokun's secret