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My 6 Tips for Celebrating Our Lady of Charity on Her Day

How to wait for the day of the Virgin of Charity of Cobre with devotion and joy?

Preparations begin to venerate the Virgin!

It is a pleasure for me to share with you some recommendations to wait for the eve of the Virgin with gratitude and much faith. On September 8, our beloved Virgin of Charity of Cobre, Patroness of Cuba, is celebrated.

Recommendations for venerating the Virgin of Charity of El Cobre

This day is very special, a time to renew our faith and give thanks for the blessings we have received.

1. Wait for her with devotion from the eve: from the 7th at night until the 8th:

The eve of Our Lady's Day, September 7th in the evening, is an ideal time to prepare ourselves spiritually.

Light your candles, place your offerings and dedicate this time to meditation and prayer, waiting with devotion for the arrival of the 8th.

It is a time to connect with Our Lady of Charity of El Cobre and prepare our hearts to celebrate with joy.

2. Decorate your home with a special altar:

Prepare a small altar in your home with yellow flowers, candles, and an image of Our Lady of Charity of Cobre. This sacred space will allow you to feel her love and protection, creating an environment conducive to prayer and reflection as a family.

3. Give special offerings at home:

Offerings are a beautiful way to honor Our Lady of Charity of El Cobre. In our homes, we can offer sweets, honey candles, sunflowers, daisies and roses, or yellow flowers that you have at home.

These elements not only beautify our altar, but also symbolize the light, joy and abundance that we wish the Virgin to bring into our lives.

4. Attend mass or pray at home:

Participating in Mass is one of the best ways to honor Our Lady. If you cannot attend in person, consider joining a virtual Mass or praying the Holy Rosary at home.

The important thing is that we dedicate time to prayer, asking for the intercession and protection of Our Lady of Charity of Cobre for our loved ones.

5. Share with your family and religious community:

The celebration of Our Lady of Charity of El Cobre is also an opportunity to share with others. You can prepare a special meal with your family, remembering the importance of unity and brotherly love. If you know someone who is going through a difficult time, dedicate a prayer for them or send them a message of support.

6. Keep the faith alive throughout the year:

Remember that our devotion should not be limited to just one day. Our Lady of Charity of El Cobre is always with us, and it is important to keep our faith alive throughout the year.

Venerate his image in your home, maintain daily prayer and continue to spread his message of love and charity.

I hope these tips help you live this special day fully and with devotion.

May Our Lady of Charity of El Cobre guide us, protect us and fill us with blessings today and always. Happy Feast of Our Lady of Charity of El Cobre!

I share with you other rituals, prayers and ways to honor the Virgin of Cobre:

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