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Necklaces, sacred elements of protection

Yoruba religion necklaces

Highly respected are the so-called saint necklaces and very showy too. People consecrated in the yoruba religion They are carried in various colors and beads, representing their protective Orisha.

And is that the osha necklaces They are sacred objects that allow the devotee to keep the protection of the Oshas and Orishas to help him go through life and avoid difficulties.

They are also known as elekes, and the ceremony to consecrate them is called "Half Seat of Osha", which is extremely important as it symbolizes the royal entry into the Rule of Osha, a sacred and spiritual path for every religious person.

In this ritual 5 elekes, which represent 5 of the most important Orishas of the religious system: Elegguá, Obbatalá, Yemayá, Shangó and Oshún and are delivered in this order.

The correct use of elekes in yoruba religion

For the santeros the measure of the necklaces It must be from the neck to near the navel, although that of the Guardian Angel is always the longest. Men wear them on the inside of their clothes and women on the outside.

They are basic attributes in Cuban Santeria, so we must clarify that they are not bought or used of their own free will. They must be delivered by the godparents to their godchildren when required by the Orisha.

Thus, saint necklaces They are made by hand with beads or colored stones of specific materials, which represent the connection with African deities and function as a protective amulet. Its manufacture is linked to prayers and sacred ceremonies that provide the Ashe of the Orishas to the necklaces.

Colors of Osha's necklaces

Each necklace or eleke It has its colored beads, many of them vary depending on the meaning and path of the Orisha they represent. The basic colors and combinations are as follows:

  • Red and black beads - Elegguá
  • White beads - Obatalá
  • White and blue beads - Yemayá
  • Red and white beads - Shango
  • Yellow beads - Oshún
  • Red beads, brown with black and white stripes – Oyá
  • Yellow and green beads - Orula
  • Purple beads with blue stripes - Babalú Ayé.

¿What not to do with necklaces on?

Of course, once the necklaces are placed, within the Yoruba religion there are prohibitions and rules that must be respected such as:

  • Do not wet them in the sea or rivers or when bathing. Wet them only with omiero (water prepared with herbs from the Orishas that their Ashé possesses) or with coconut water to refresh them.
  • They should not be used for sleeping.
  • Do not leave them abandoned anywhere.
  • You should not have sex with them on.
  • They are for personal use, they are not loaned.
  • They should not fall to the floor.
  • If something happens to them, you should consult with their elders.
  • In general, they should be respected and worn as long as you do not perform activities that are disrespectful to the Orisha.

In the Yoruba religion, respect for necklaces is also respect for the Orisha, they are sacred elements that carry faith and religiosity, we must wear them with faith and respect.

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