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How to ask the Jimaguas? Prayer to the Ibeyis for protection

How to ask the Jimaguas

The Ibeyis, Jimaguas or twin orishas as they are also called, they are protectors of all children, especially twins.

They live at the top of the palm and walk through the mountains with their magical little drums with which they defeated the devil, protecting the heads of the religious.

They are the darlings of all other Orishas and exceptionally powerful and can divine the future, stop or cause the rain, eliminate ailments, and bring luck, bliss, money, and fortune.

At ibeyis they like displays of respect, faith and devotion. As children, they adore festivities and candy offerings, something that we must keep in mind when we want to pray to them for their blessings.

In the Yoruba religion, they are usually offered all kinds of fruits such as Mamey de Santo Domingo, Canistel, Guayaba, Anón, Soursop, Orange, Mango, Pineapple and Mamoncillo.

They also like succulent dishes based on sweets, yellow rice and popcorn.

In addition, chickens and pigeons are sacrificed to him, and his Ewe (herbs) are hicaco, corn, mamoncillo, stick paste, cat's tail, sago, sapote, tomato, custard apple, sarsaparilla and rompersaragüey among others.

What do we ask the Jimaguas?

Before making any invocation to the orishas, ​​we must first thank their blessings, show ourselves grateful for all the good that we receive daily.

The prayers dedicated to the Ibeyis are aimed at:

  • Overcoming difficulties in difficult cases
  • Fight illnesses and diseases at home
  • Attract good luck and prosperity in life
  • Pray for the protection of our children

We dedicate these prayers to ask the Ibeyis for help

We must pray to them with faith and trust, be very calm and confess our doubts and fears.

Let's choose a quiet and secluded place, in front of a preferably white candle, we talk to them about what ails us and we ask their intercession on our behalf.

We also confess our fears and hopes to them and call on them to ward off the bad and help us overcome the difficulties that life imposes on us.

They will listen to us and bring us health, luck and fortune, so that we continue to advance until we find our destiny.

So ... How to ask the Jimaguas?

With this prayer we beg the Ibeyis to protect us and ward off evil:

Sacred Ibeyis, Divine Jimaguas, you who personify fortune, luck and prosperity.

Who protect their devotees from all evil and are able to save them from death and evil.

Ibeyis that provide prosperity and abundance and protect our little ones from any adversity

Brave twins, you who defeat evil and protect those who walk in the mountains

Today I come to you to ask for your guidance and protection, my divine children

You who can intercede for men, who take away ailments and bring luck, happiness, money and fortune.

I ask you to remove all danger and difficulty from my path, so that I can move on and find my destiny

Jimaguas, you who do not know fear, always protect me and my family, especially my little children.

Help us to overcome difficulties and avoid obstacles and guide us forever on the path of good

Thank you, blessed Ibeyis, for giving joy and happiness to me and mine

So be it

Learn more about the powerful Jimaguas Ibeyis:

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