Our Afro-Cuban religion is based on veneration Orishas, reverence for the egguns and forecasting by divination.
What does Eggun mean?
Eggun are those spirits that are under the dominion of King Oddúa, they are spirits of the ancestors, of the relatives, of the deceased that belonged to the same Ilé de Osha and that their adept is alive.
When a person is born, the deceased receives them and requests their intervention to protect them throughout their lives, a relationship that will last forever, hence the importance of assisting them and establishing balanced communications.
The dead man first Iku Lobi Osha!
In every ceremony that is carried out in the Rule of Osha (Santería), attention to the Eggun is done first of all and is essential, it is said "Ikú Lobi Osha" which means: The Dead gave birth to the Saint, because the Eggun and then the Orisha.
The Orishas in the Afro-Cuban religion They were living beings that when they died rose spiritually and became Saints (Orishas).
Egguns are respected and exalted, they are offered drinks and food, candles, flowers and other attributes that they liked and appreciated.
A very sacred place and reason for worship is the Teja de Egguns or also called: "The corner dedicated to Egguns".
The Corner of the Dead:
This tile is prepared by a babalawo and it must be attended to with care in order to achieve harmony with the spirits and then allow us to count on their unconditional support.
The Egguns tile must always carry a Pagugú at its side, which is a staff that symbolizes Egguns and is loaded inside.
This staff has eyes and mouth of cowries (snails) and both are represented closed because those eyes do not see and that mouth does not speak. Through this staff messages are sent to the spirits.
Eggun's Tile and the Spirit Vault
It is important to make a clarification and it is that we can confuse the Eggun Tile with the Spiritual Vault, and although both are dedicated to the cult of the dead, in each area it is different and the same ceremonies, offerings and rituals are not performed.
In the Afro-Cuban religion, many have their spiritual vault to attend to their spiritual picture and to pay tribute, but in it they do not feed Egguns, while the tile does.
In addition, the vault is located inside the house and the Egguns Tile must be placed outside, only in certain exceptions when the religious does not have space outside it can be placed inside the house in specific places, under a sink, for example.
How to tend the Eggun tile?
Egguns is cared for in the tile designed for this purpose, where he draws with the cascarilla a semicircle around this and on that semicircle 9 equidistant crosses, since the number 9 is the Eggun mark.
With this symbol the part where Eggun lives is defined, in this tile they are fed and everything that is provided must be in number 9.
You can offer Egguns whatever you want in front of your tile always within the semicircle of cascarilla.
Some elements that can never be missing from your attention are:
- la cascarilla (efun),
- corojo butter (Epo),
- sailing,
- the coconut (Obí) and
- guinea pepper (atare).
It should be noted that the Egguns always eat before Elegguá and apart from the Orishas.
Offerings to the Eggun Tile:
If Egguns is fed, it must have a clay plate broken by one of its corners, put 9 small pieces of Obi (coconut) and each one has corojo butter and a guinea pepper on top.
Among the offerings that are provided, the following elements stand out:
- Water (omi tuto),
- Coffee (omi bona),
- coffee with milk,
- drinks (Oti),
- bread (okará),
- water with brown sugar,
- flowers,
- foods cooked without salt.
- Also ekó (corn), Ekú (jutia) and Eyá (fish).
If you are a known Egguns, such as deceased relatives, it will give you what you liked when you “animated meat” (in life).
Offerings are usually changed after 7 days, everything is as determined by the Babalawo.
Ceremonies to Eguns:
In a ceremony to Eguns, Kariosha, or another, those present are marked with a cross made with cascarilla on the nape, forehead, arms and their head (ori) should be covered with a keel (scarf) or white cap for protection.
In addition, when giving Egguns coconut they must turn backwards without looking at the position in which the coconut fell.
Whenever a ceremony is concluded and the offerings have been made to Egguns, they should be asked through the coconuts (Obí) if they are satisfied and if they have accepted the offering.
In the ceremonies and rituals to our ancestors, the songs to Egguns are essential, through them the beings of light that accompany us are invoked and called upon:
Gold to Egguns (Song to Egguns):
aumba wa ori
aumba wa ori
awa osun
awa oma
leri oma leyawo
Gbogbo eggun kawe
Chorus: Same
okokan lami waye
Okokan lami wa'lorun
Gbogbo lorisha lami waye
Okokan lami wa'lorun
Chorus: Same
TV moban tv
TV moban tv
wayeke wayeke wayeke
Irosum umbo
ara umbo
wayeke wayeke wayeke
bio ba yeye
Chorus: Same
laye laba, Laye yeye la physi, Laye baba, Laye yeye la physi
Chorus: Same
Remember to be respectful in the care offered, do it with love and faith to the ancestors because we owe it to them. His worship is sacred, powerful, and demands our spirituality and humility.
Learn more about the Eggún tile and its immense power:

Powerful Work at the foot of Eggun to achieve well-being and balance in life

Did you know that the representation of the «Eggún tile» was born in Ogbe Wale?

10 elements about the Eggun, spirits and ancestors

10 Aspects to keep in mind when Tending Eggún's Roof. Get to know them!

Offerings to Eggun to achieve the desired