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How to connect with the Spirit of the Earth? 4 Powerful Tips

Connect with the earth

Every morning, human beings embark on a new journey., because each day that comes into our lives represents a great opportunity to evolve and be better people, regardless of whether other human beings choose a different path.

For this reason it is necessary to be in harmony with the world, so that in this way the energies flow and do not stagnate, allowing destiny to favor us by putting in our destiny what we deserve and need in due course.

Bearing in mind that we will only receive from the Earth what we will be able to offer it, acting as a reciprocal mechanism of return, where the bad actions will return multiplied.

4 Ways to harmonize with nature

Connect with the spirit of the earth it is one of the essential ways to be able to guarantee a positive remuneration.

For this reason, it is valid to highlight the vital importance of harmonizing with nature, since there is pure and renewed energy among its elements.

1. Generate positive attraction and respect nature

Focusing one's thoughts on a promising destination is the first way to enlarge the soul, attracting many beneficial spiritual elements to our destination.

Along with this event, it is necessary to respect the environment, because if we attack nature we will receive the same payment from it.

2. Meditation and connection with the heart of Mother Earth

Meditation is another of the ways that man can use to call the spirit of the earth, being much more effective those that are developed with elements of the environment.

  • For example, in which the presence of trees, natural oils and incense are required.

3. Thank and pay tribute to the Earth

The payment of a tribute each year to the land is another of the guarantees that are required to be at peace with the ground that we step on and on which we live, being in turn a gesture of gratitude for everything obtained so far.

  • The use of aromatic herbs and resins are other variants to be close to the animal and plant kingdom.

In various religions as in the yoruba the blessing of the spirit of the earth is required to sponsor many of the rituals and consecrations.

4. Ask for the blessing of the Astros

Greeting the sun in the morning and the moon and stars at night is a way of paying homage to these stars and obtaining their blessing and the protection of their energy.

Fact that takes place with the execution of astral and energetic baths, rituals that are carried out exposing the person under the influence of these stars while praying for their protection and offering their gratitude.

Some Powerful Spiritual Works with elements that nature gives us:

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