El Yoruba Pantheon it is the union of the African divinities. In the mix, the energies of nature converge, those that maintain the rhythm of the world.
Also in Yoruba history, the syncretism of various cults prevails that have been added to the original African history and religion, through the elements and traditions originating from invasions and state conformations.
But the Yoruba beginnings reached the founding of the city-state of Ilé Ife, which was expanding for hundreds of years and filling with different beliefs and customs from other kingdoms.
The Yoruba pantheon and the dynasty
So, at original yoruba pantheon from Ilé Ife, different deities were added over the years.
It begins with the founder of Ilé Ife who, was a mythical king called Oduduwa, also named Obalufe (King of the town of Ife).
Later, their children and descendants formed a dynasty of kings who were later transformed into Orishas, mortal beings who became deified by their people due to their qualities and actions in life.
Kings, warriors and advisers of the people, came to be considered the deities of the yoruba pantheon, objects of worship and eternal adoration.
Main deities of the Yoruba pantheon
Today, around 401 deities are recognized, but among them the main deities of the world are identified. yoruba pantheon that are worshiped in many parts of the world, through religious practices whose object is to ask for their protection and pay them devotion.
The Yoruba they united the Orishas with the energies of nature. They use the divinatory system as the main religious exponent to discover the fate of the consultant and to which Orisha should pay special tribute.
In the yoruba pantheon, Olokun It is the highest representation of the Orishas. Two spirits live with him, one representing life and the other representing death. The one of life is Samugagawa and the one of death, Acaro.
Obatala for his part, he is the father of all the Orishas and of humanity. He is also the owner of all heads and minds.
Eleggua, is the owner of the roads and doors in this world, Oggun, is the god of iron, war and chores and oshosi, is the third member of the group of Orishas known as Warriors.
Also among the main deities of the yoruba pantheon are Yemaya, reign over the seas and lakes, Oyá, sovereign of the winds, the whirlpool and the one who guards the cemetery gates, and Oshun she reigns the sweet waters, of the streams, springs and rivers, goddess of love and fertility.
Monkey for his part, he is one of the most popular Orishas, king of lightning, thunder, fire, drums and dance.
As for the orunmila, is the orisha of wisdom and divination.
Orishas of the Yoruba Pantheon
Among the divinities and Orishas of the Yoruba Pantheon Olofin, Olorun and Olodumare form the creative trilogy of the universe and everything that exists, Orula "the wise" was a witness to it.
Creators and witnesses of the universe | |
Olodumare | Supreme God, creator of the universe |
Olorun | Owner of the sky, is the second manifestation of Olodumare |
Constitution | Deity who directs the Orishas, is the third manifestation of Olodumare |
orunmila | Orisha soothsayer of great wisdom |
Warrior Orishas
Also called "Orisha Oddé", the Warriors are the first that any initiate within the Yoruba religion must receive, it is the first protection.
Warrior Orishas | |
Eshu | Deity that balances negative energies |
Elegua | Watcher of the roads and the mountains |
Oggun | Owner of iron and metals |
oshosi | Warrior of Justice |
ozun | Watcher of the believers and walkers |
The "header" and "senior" Orishas are categorized into those Oshas that are header, that is, tutelary and that must always be received when the initiates "become a Saint" in the "Kari Osha ceremony» and the older ones are those who can be received and crowned as «Guardian Angel».
However, this may vary depending on the practices that are carried out in different cults and ceremonies.
Head Orishas
Header Orishas | |
Obatala | Father of all on earth |
Oshun | Goddess of rivers and fresh waters |
Yemaya | Mother of all, owner of the sea. |
Shango | Warrior of fire, drum and thunder |
Oyá | Deity of strong wind and spark |
Aggayu Solá | It is the volcano and the forces of nature |
Babalu Aye | Healer and protector of the sick |
Major Orishas
Major Orishas | |
Oduduwa | King of the dead |
Olokun | Owner of the ocean depths |
Orisha oko | Deity of crops and farming |
Inle | Osha doctor and fish and doctors pattern |
Obba | Reckless warrior, it is sacrifice and fidelity |
Yewa | Owner of the grave and loneliness |
osain | It is nature and everything that lives in it. |
Nana Buruku | Grandmother of evil, mediator between life and death |
Iroko | Spirit that lives in the sacred tree: the ceiba |
Minor Orisha of the Yoruba Pantheon
The Minor Orishas are those who are not crowned in the Kari Osha ceremony, that is, they are not considered a "Guardian Angel" for a person when they "become a saint."
It could also vary depending on the religious practices that take place in different cults.
Minor Orishas | |
oggue | Orisha of herds and horned animals |
Oke | Caretaker and protector of the earth |
ibeyis | Twilight Savior Children of the Devil |
Abita | Represents the malevolent and saves with evil, is considered the Devil |
Boromú and Boronsiá | Keepers of the secrets of Oduduwá |
Ogbón and Ogboni | Orishas of Wisdom and Elderhood Ogbon (The Wise One) and Ogboni (The Council of Elders) |
Yembo | It is the calm of the sea, considered the first Yemayá |
Ori | God of good luck, guardian soul that protects. |
adakedayo | The giver of justice |
Ajá | It is the Wild Wind, Herbal Healer and Patron of the Jungle. |
Aje Shalunga | Orisha of health, prosperity and abundance, Patron of money. |
aroni | Spirit of nature who works with herbs, guardian of Ozain. |
Ayao | Orisha of the clouds and heights |
Obañeñe or Dada | Orisha of Newborns and Vegetables |
korikoto | Feminine deity of fertility and birth |
oranmiyan | It is the firmament, owner and king of the dry land |
oshumare | It is the union between heaven and earth, Orisha of the serpent and the rainbow. |
Orungan | Owner of noon |
Logun Ede (larooye) | Hermaphroditic Orisha who adapts to the characteristics of her parents Oshún and Oshosi |
These manifestations and deities, although no less important, in the Yoruba religion receive an important cult and veneration.
Other manifestations | |
Iyami Oshoronga | Witches, Queen of the Witchcraft Cult |
Eggun | The spirits, ancestor worship. |
Iku | Death, the one who claims life. |
irunmoles | Nature spirits, they are non-human celestial beings. |
All the deities of the "African Pantheon" of the Yoruba religion possess powerful ancestral forces, essential in the creation of the universe.
Each of these beings, spirits and Orishas fulfill a divine function in nature to maintain balance and well-being, thus being guardians and protectors of men on earth.