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Tips from a santera to open paths and attract positive energies

Santera with tobacco

Being at home these days many find it difficult to coexist and in the environment they perceive dense moods that lead to energy stagnations, where good vibes get clogged and stopped.

I humbly share, first of all, some works that you can do at home to remove those strange and disturbing energies, cleaning your environment and your mind to raise your vibrations.

Seek permission from your Guardian Angel.

The first thing we must do Before beginning to carry out any type of spiritual work, it is to invoke and ask permission from our Guardian Angel, guides and protectors.

We must always start inside the house, which must be clean and organized because disorder affects us, and our inner energy will not flow if chaos reigns in our exterior, So what you do will achieve results with clarity and the right positive energy.

Here I write some of the works that work for me with the permission of my Guardian Angel first and foremost.

Purify the space that welcomes you.

Driving away bad energies with tobacco smoke

I walk around my house smoking tobacco, puff rum or brandy and then cascarilla, always starting from back to front and ending at the front door.

Always asking permission from my different Orishas and with his blessing, I go through my space with his instruments, and before starting my ritual I light an incense and two candles to the Orisha from whom I asked permission.

Raise the energy by conversing with your Orishas.

Rituality with the Orishas

I borrow a day drums of Yemayá and I make them sound, I feel that they release me from heaviness and the energy flows; another day I ask the bell of my Mother Oshún to fill my path with sweetness and light; and thus, the objects that belong to my Orishas convey a great spirituality to me as I bring them closer to me, as the sheath of Oyá that unlocks and frees me from stagnant energies and the agogó (bell) of Obatalá that helps me achieve serenity in my home.

After you use them you should wash your hands to remove all negative energy that you could have picked up.

Find in your vault the spirituality you need.

Attend to your spiritual vault, keep it clean so that your guides and protectors feel strengthened, sit back and say prayers with love and faith. Now you have time to attend to them, do not look for excuses, talk to them and you will see that you will be heard.

Put music in your house, Make your surroundings happy, the melody will transmit you vibrant and positive energies.

You can take spiritual baths, Remember that these establish a powerful connection with the spiritual plane, purify and cleanse us dense energies, relax us, give us inner and mental peace.

Keep bad energies at the foot of Eleggúa.

Offerings to Eleggúa for cleaning

Get clean at the foot of our great EleggúaEven if you can't go out and dump your cleaning in four corners, or on a mountain, ask him for permission, talk with him and throw the offering in the trash.

Never give up We are full of excuses, but remember that we must do our part, the Orishas support us, advise us, but we must, even if we lack strength, not hesitate, take action and get to work.

You will see that you will feel better every day, always repeat to yourself as my grandmother used to say:

"I can"

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