The Galán de Noche is the sacred herb of Obara Iroso.
With the leaves of this plant, the religious will prepare an omiero (spiritual water with herbs) to carry out polishing baths and ritual cleanings in his home in order to:
- Debug astrality,
- attract development and
- remove disturbances that could be creating discord in the ilé.
Wear white so that evolution comes into your life, and respect people who have gray hair at all times.
Obara Iroso was raised by two mothers. Respect Yemayá and Oshún equally
The religious ruled by Obara Iroso was raised by two mothers, the first gave birth to him and the second was in charge of his education.
In this sign the union of the two waters speaks, a letter in which you owe equal respect and devotion to Yemayá and Oshún.
Always respect women and never dare to raise your hand or raise your voice.
Ifá says that in this sign the king in need was born
In this sign the needy king was born, the pataki relates that:
The crown prince to the throne after the death of his father inherited a prosperous kingdom, possessed of multiple treasures and natural resources.
With the passage of time the new king began to invest his wealth in financing wars that were not his and thus suffered numerous human and material casualties.
Then he used the treasure he had left in unnecessary expenses, after an endless succession of bad decisions the king led the kingdom to bankruptcy forgetting the promise he had made to his father to make the goods of the people grow, going on to have to beg for the charity of other sovereigns to live being nicknamed “the king in need”.
Do not spend everything you earn and do not invest your time in solving other people's lives
Through this pataki the religious must internalize the importance of creating a financial fund to take on difficult times.
Do not spend everything you earn and do not invest your time and resources in solving the lives of others.
Be wise so that you do not have to live off someone else's charity, and keep in mind that only by working will you get ahead in life.
Other Tips from Obara Iroso:
- To prosper place your Eleggua three cashew seeds.
- In Obara Iroso it is forbidden to eat pigeons.
Advice from Ifá and other powerful signs:

Advice in Ika Osa, where selfishness and ingratitude are punished

Ofun Odi: Work with indigo and a sea sponge to avoid disturbances

Advice from the Odi Obara sign, an Ifá of impersonation and power struggle

The Councils of Iroso Otrupon, an Ifá of impersonations and falsehoods

7 Tips from Okana Ofun: Chase and Obstacles Lyrics

6 Tips from Okana Oshe: There is danger in trust

Oyekun Obara's Tips: 3 Luck Will Come Your Way

Tips from Iwori Okana: Take care of your family, in the future it will take care of you