Ifá where Orula saves the sick and restores the health that disease had taken from them.
Obara Iwori is a sign of faith, thanks to this virtue everything is obtained and without it nothing is achieved in life.
In this sign, ebbó is made at the foot of the great Ifá fortune-teller with a dove to:
- Health,
- prosperity,
- seat,
- repose,
- long life and
- expiration of causes and difficulties.
The different stages of life bring teachings to the human being
Ifá says that:
- The different stages of life bring teachings to the human being and that, without their passage and the presence of adversities along the way, man would not evolve.
Be aware that defeats are where you truly learn and that victories come to fill you with satisfaction, but with these the individual gets comfortable and stops fighting for their dreams.
Ritual for this Odun Obara Iwori
When the religious governed under this odun feels tormented, a head wash should be carried out with:
- An omiero de jaboncillo, the secret herb of this Ifá sign.
As you wash your head, you should ask Obatala health, peace, tranquility and intelligence.
Learn to be satisfied with what you have
Get rid of all kinds of complexes so that you can be happy and can live fully.
Learn to be satisfied with what you have and be thankful that you are not hungry or needy.
You have a good that many would long to have, which is health.
On earth there is no one perfect, learn to live with your defects and try to rely on the virtues you have so that you can function more easily.
You have a sixth sense that allows you to sense when something is not right
You are privileged because you have a sixth sense that allows you to sense when something is not right.
Lean on the Eggunes who administer it, as they will warn you what to do to get rid of the osogbos that persecute you.
Envy haunts you, as many of the people around you do not show their true intentions to you.
The religious must learn to be receptive to what he hears
Ears were born in Obara Iwori, which is why the religious must learn to be receptive to what he hears.
From this he must know how to take the good, leaving aside what harms him or can bring him discord.
Respect the word of the Orishas and do not allow their advice to fall to the ground, for in them your salvation will be found.