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Advice from Obara Odi: Ifá where the cult of Yemayá Mayelewo is born

Tips Obara Odi

Ifá of hot flashes and secrets.

Odun where the religious owes unconditional respect to the Orisha Yemayá and to their children.

In Obara Odi the secret of Yemayá Mayelewo was revealed, an event that conditioned the saint to retire to the depths of the sea to live with Olokun.

In this Ifá speaks Yemayá Mayelewo, avatar of the Orisha owner of salt water that lives inside a jar, being closely related to Olokun.

When the religious wishes to put an adimu (offering) on ​​it, he must do so by dedicating it to both, since one deity does not exist without the other.

Yemayá in this Ifá warns about betrayals

The santero places a mask on the Mayelewo tureen, while doing so he must ask the saint to unmask his enemies and those people who have had a double face in his life.

This saint converses with the religious through this odun, explaining to him that he must learn to say no and to put himself first, because if the human being does not love himself and does not value himself, the world will never consider him.

  • Yemayá in this Ifá warns about betrayals and indicates never telling anyone the secrets, because sooner or later they will be revealed.

Ifá says that any precaution that can be taken in life will be little

In this letter, every precaution that can be taken in life will be little, because in this sign the enemy buys the witnesses to incriminate the religious.

That is why you must carry out your work responsibly and not allow any stranger access to documents or objects that may later be used against you.

Do not reveal your secrets and do not expose your flaws and weaknesses to the public so that no one can point it out in the future.

Obara Odi must learn to act calmly

In this odun the person must remain focused to achieve their goals.

It is prudent to do periodically fresh head rogations with:

  • Fruit,
  • bread,
  • milk and
  • coconut indistinctly so that the arayé (problems) do not reach the person or cloud their judgment.

Obara Odi must learn to act calmly so that he does not have setbacks in life.

Obara Odi's advice says to be careful of falling from great heights, as this type of accident can cost you your life or leave you with serious consequences.

We share other Odun of Ifa and their warnings:

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