Otura Eyiogbe talks about the influence of good and evil on the religious, both entities are constantly on the lookout for the person, which is why the religious must make ebo frequently, cleaning themselves at the foot of the warriors or performing lustral baths so that they maintain a fresh path and good can always defeat evil.
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What marks the odun Otura Eyiogbe? 4 warnings
In this sign insect cannot be killedYes, it is an odun of obedience, because through respect the religious becomes king.
1. Oddun of extensions, what is postponed does not materialize
This Ifá warns prepare things with time and order, so that all the purposes of the person bear positive fruit.
The land of the dead arises in this odun, where human beings did not let their loved ones rest by calling them continuously.
Ifá says in the advice of Otura Eyiogbe that it is an odun of extensions, by leaving things for later they lose strength and many times they cannot materialize.
It is taboo to eat:
- The fruits of the alligator, zapote.
- Animals like octopus and squid.
2. Under this sign speaks the action of a family eggun
Otura Eyiogbe will have delicate health throughout his life, and to strengthen health, Odúa is received, he may suffer from:
- Spinal column,
- cardiovascular conditions and
- Central Nervous System.
Under this sign speaks the action of a family eggun who took his own life, the one who claims the realization of masses by the church.
It is taboo in this Ifá suicide and lack of consideration for parents.
3. Loneliness is often the companion of Otura Eyiogbe
Otura Eyiogbe is accompanied by loneliness, in this odun the children leave home and the person is left alone.
Ifa of longevity, not to do crazy things so as not to look for a premature death.
The eclair is one of the ewes (herbs) sacred to Otura Eyiogbe.
The owner of this sign must not marry any son of Yemayá, because in the long run the union will be dissolved by not being compatible.
4. They will be following in your footsteps and they will surprise you
- You shouldn't look at yourself in the mirror when you wake up. because a phenomenon can present itself to him and scare him.
- don't curse anyone so that his own evil does not come walking.
- Do not go to prohibited sites, do not be unfaithful, they will follow in your footsteps and surprise you in the act.
- In his life, conflicts mediated by two men can lead to death, do not live adultery