Archangel Uriel is one of the seven most popular and revered archangels of the Catholic Church, also recognized in other religions.
It is called «Angel of the Presence of God» for being recognized as one of the seven spirits that stand before the throne of God mentioned in the Gospel of John and command the heavenly armies against the forces of evil.
Who is the archangel Uriel and what is his benefit?
The name "Uriel" means "the fire of god«.
This archangel symbolizes the almighty force of the spirit of life.
- He knows all the feelings, thoughts and actions of human beings during their journey through life and as such can advocate for them.
- His name also means: "the flame of God", "Light of God" and represents the force of the spirit of life.
- To him is due the wisdom and the awakening of the consciousness of human beings through the fire of truth.
Uriel is represented dressed in red or orange and gold, colors related to fire and its qualities of transformation, destruction of evil and spiritual illumination.
History records that the archangel Uriel was the subject of controversy in the Catholic Church
Pope Zacharias, during the Council of Rome in 745, banned the name of this archangel Uriel and had his image removed from the churches of Rome.
Despite this prohibition, the Catholic faithful continued to worship the Archangel Uriel and thanks to them, images dating back to the XNUMXth century can still be found in churches in South America.
Furthermore, the Eastern Orthodox Church venerates the archangel Uriel and commemorates him along with the other angels and archangels and also the Anglican Church includes him among the archangels.
The Coptic Church, for its part, venerates him as one of the main and most important archangels.
Judaism does not officially recognize Archangel Uriel, but his name appears in several texts such as the "Book of Enoch."
It is mentioned in the "Testament of Solomon" and in the "Apocalypse" of Ezra.
In the book of Adam and Eve, Uriel is the cherub who stands by the gates of Eden defending access to the tree of life.
In different texts, the name of the archangel Uriel can appear as Nuriel, Uryan, Jeremie, Suriel, Auriel, Jehoel; All of which have a similar meaning, refer to an angel of light or stars that represents spiritual wisdom.
What is the mission of Archangel Uriel? The archangel of money
The archangel Uriel is dedicated to the summer solstice, just at the moment when the sun enters Cancer, which coincides with the feast of San Juan and represents the beginning of the summer heat, when the sun is hottest.
Uriel is the angel of prosperity, wealth and divine abundance.
Al archangel of abundance y protector spiritual when we invoke it:
- It can provide us with the necessary capacity to attract material or spiritual wealth into our lives.
- Enhance our creativity and good judgment. Also alchemy, astrology, universal knowledge.
- It can support us when we face difficult learning stages in destiny and at the same time, provide us with spiritual and earthly graces.
- It will help us to peacefully solve problems in personal, social and professional relationships
- It provides us with tranquility, since it is the Archangel who governs internal peace.
- Provides the gift of enlightenment, the realization of Divinity within oneself.
Whose protector is Uriel?
It is said to be the angel of nurses, doctors, psychologists, teachers, and all those who serve others.
Archangel Uriel is the patron of those who seek to eliminate ignorance, and therefore:
It is the pattern of:
- Teachers,
- spiritual leaders,
- priests,
- philosophers,
- rabbis,
- gurus,
- ministers and those who represent spiritual wisdom.
It can boost initiative and drive to undertake projects and achieve our goals.
Along with the Guardian Angel, Uriel also guides each person so that he can follow a path free of sin, and thus awaken the human conscience to achieve the peace and glory of God.
Archangel Uriel helps us release rage, anger, hatred and inner darkness and protects us from other people's attacks, bad desires and bad eyes.
What is the day of the Archangel Uriel?
According to various cultures, their days are:
- On September 29 (western),
- on November 8 (eastern) and
- on July 28 (Ethiopian).
How to connect with the archangel Uriel? Powerful prayers

We invoke the archangel Uriel with his prayers when we need to improve our economy, supplies, wealth, and attract abundance into our life.
Prayer to Archangel Uriel to activate money, abundance and luck
This is the prayer to invoke the help of Archangel Uriel so that our economic situation improves:
Lord God Almighty in your hands we deliver this
Prayer for powerful money and abundance.
Asking you to allow us your server,
the loving archangel Uriel come into our lives
to bring us the provision that comes from you,
money, abundance, prosperity, success,
wisdom, wealth and well-being in our
jobs and their special protection.
Now we surrender all our worries
in your hands.
I thank you Father for always being by my side.
Thank my Lord. Amen
He too can envelop us in his warmth and give us peace, joy and confidence if we have lost it.
In addition, it will help us release rage, anger, hatred and impatience, so that we can continue on the straight path, without looking back.
How does the archangel Uriel manifest himself? Well, protecting us from negative energies, false friendships, stress, anxiety and lack of supply, and it will help us find the way to health and well-being.
Archangel Uriel and his miraculous protection prayer:
- So we pray to the archangel Uriel to illuminate our path and make a request
Glorious Archangel Saint Uriel, spirit of God, wisdom and faith, you who guide humanity along dark paths
Powerful force that fights evil and advocates for humans in the celestial kingdom, today I invoke you to help me in this great need
Uriel, intercede for me, and deliver me from all danger and all adversity. Wrap me in your red color and help me to be filled with your blessings of strength, courage, courage and endurance.
My protector, accompany me and guide all my steps until I achieve what I propose
Great Uriel, improve my chances in life, intercede for me and show me the situation from a different perspective.
Free my path from obstacles that prevent me from seeing the solution and help me find the path of prosperity and abundance in my life.
Advise and guide me to find the wisest decision, give me wisdom to understand why things happen and vision to see the solution to problems.
Glorious Archangel Saint Uriel, divine flame, grant me the grace that I request of you (ask for the desired grace) if it is convenient for the good of my soul,
Guide all my steps until I reach eternal life, so that I can walk without looking back
Thank you, my angel, for illuminating my steps with your intense light,
Never forsake me, Lord of the sun, do not let go of my hand on my way and fill it with blessings
What day is invoked and what color of candle is it for Archangel Uriel?
The best day to invoke it is Friday with an orange candle or in shades of fire color, from gold, through ruby and orange.
Thus, we must speak to him about our problems with confidence and great faith, and call on him to come to our aid.
Continue reading about the Archangels and their powers:

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