And one of the days that the devotees offer the most blessings and thanks to Obatalá and the Virgen de la Mercedes arrives, on September 24.
This celebration that emanates so much energy from the hearts of all those who trust and venerate the holy Orisha comes to bring us peace, love, tranquility and calm, a calm amid so much speed and haste these days.
And by the light of a white candle, giving thanks and praying that you listen to us, we ask that your blessings come to earth, so that we have everything beautiful, and that your protective, neat and white mantle covers us.
- At the end of the article we share some beautiful offerings that you can give them, but if you can't, a candle or a flower is enough, and your prayers will reach their feet.
The Orisha Obatalá, father of the world of Yoruba Pantheon In the Santeria or Regla de Osha it is syncretized to the power of the Virgencita de las Mercedes, a saint who also represents the health, peace, justice, and mercy of the world.
Beautiful prayer dedicated on the Day of Obatalá and Las Mercedes
We entrust ourselves to them, thanking them for everything, with faith and love we venerate them with this prayer:
Old and wise Obbatalá, Virgin of Mercy, I beg you, you who judge and decide from the mountains, give me the security of the deer, so that, on the most inaccessible routes, my step may be firm.
You who speak through the heights, make my spirit always pure, like the rain that bathes your slopes.
Most High Father, you who decide the time, make my life and old age happy, without regrets, for not having done or not having lived.
You who give us the light, make my path always be illuminated by force, give me the courage of the wolf, to face the shadows of my fears.
May I walk each day with my head held high, like the solemn deer.
When you see me fall and drag, I beg you to lift me up and give me the strength of the bear, to overcome the obstacles of the way.
Make it sovereign, like the flight of the eagle.
Mountain God, when I reach you, give me the opportunity to look down with gratitude, with my heart always grateful.
For all this and more, thank you my father Obbatalá and my adored little virgin.