To Saint Anthony of Padua, the person who has been canonized the fastest by the Catholic Church, we pray to him this June 13 thanking him and asking for his blessing.
We celebrate this patron saint of many cities and territories in the world and ask him for the courage to move forward in life and for his help to find those important things that we have lost.
Also known as Saint Anthony of Lisbon, this Portuguese theologian, preacher and monk is the protagonist of a great number of miracles always related to the luck and destiny of the devotees.
Who is Saint Anthony of Padua in the Catholic Santoral?
Saint Anthony of Padua entered the Augustinian Abbey of Saint Vincent at a very young age on the outskirts of Lisbon and studied the Holy Scriptures and the theology of some doctors of the Catholic Church.
Finally he decided to become a Franciscan and adopted the name of Antonio in honor of Saint Anthony the Abbot to whom the Franciscan hermitage in which he resided was dedicated.
With sharpness and clarity he spread the divine word throughout northern Italy and southern France, as a preacher against heresies.
It is said that Saint Anthony of Padua could be heard by the fish and that he carried the baby Jesus in his arms during one night.
More than 3 decades after his death, the sarcophagus where his body was found was opened and although his body was corrupted, his tongue was in perfect condition.
How Celebrar the day of Saint Anthony of Padua?
We pray to Saint Anthony of Padua as "the saint of the whole world", because it is had as patron of sterile, poor women, travelers, sailors, masons, bakers and stationers.
- It is also usually summon to find lost items.
He is the patron saint of Lisbon, Padua, and many of the great cities of the world such as San Antonio, Chile; Concordia and Engineer Maschwitz in Argentina, and devotion is also paid to him in many territories of Cuba.
Every June 13 we pray to Saint Anthony of Padua before his image on an altar and we entertain him with flowers and candles.
We can also go to the many temples in his honor that exist scattered in many cities around the world.
The prayers to Saint Anthony of Padua are powerful, so we must always pray them with great faith and trust that the saint will help us and protect us.
San Antonio and Eleguá: Syncretism in Santeria
Due to the syncretism existing in Cuban society between various religious expressions, the figure of San Antonio de Padua is associated in Yoruba religion with Eleguá, the orisha who opens the paths and doors of happiness.
- Learn more about the orisha Eleguá by doing CLICK HERE
- Some works, offerings and attentions to Eleguá (To read more click here)
Do you know this miraculous prayer to Saint Anthony of Padua for impossible causes?
Oh blessed Saint Anthony!
The most glorious of saints,
the most admirable of all the saints
the gentlest among all the saints,
your love for God,
your charity for his creatures
and your eagerness to help everyone
they made you worthy,
when you were here on earth,
of the gift of miraculous powers.Oh blessed Saint Anthony!
Miracles awaited your word,
and you were always ready
to ask for all those
with problems or anxieties.
Encouraged by this thought,
and sure of your goodness
I implore you to obtain for me ...(to make the request).
The answer to my prayer
in your hands I leave it,
It may take a miracle
but you are the saint of miracles
and in you I trust and hope.Oh gentle and dear saint!
whose heart is always full
of compassion and human tenderness,
whisper my request
to the ears of the sweet Child Jesus,
who liked it very much
to be in your sweet arms,
Please I beg,
don't leave me without an answer,
I will pray to you with fervor
and you will always have
the gratitude of my heart.
- After making the prayer to the saint, he must pray the Lord's Prayer, the Hail Mary and the Gloria with great devotion and faith thirteen times.
Our father
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be your name; let your kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread; forgive our offenses, as we also forgive those who offend us; do not lead us into temptation, and deliver us from evil. Amen.
Ave Maria
Hail Mary, you are full of grace; the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among all women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, now and forever, forever and ever. Amen.