In the Yoruba pantheon it is Inle or Erinle the orisha of health, who heals of all those who ever suffer from ills in the body and also on an emotional level, he is the deity who diagnoses the disease and points out how to cure it.
Their days of celebration are:
- On October 24 in syncretism with the archangel San Rafael and
- on August 16 when he is venerated together with the cult of San Roque.
Inle is a deity who has vast knowledge about medicinal herbs, with them heals and performs his role as a doctor caring for the needy and sick in Osha (Santeria).
He is very humble, he always heals those who need him because his goodness is immense.
10 Curiosities and characteristics of Inle in the Yoruba Pantheon:
- The colors that represent it are blue and pale green that symbolize modernity, and attract money and abundance, in fact, its tureen, where it keeps its secrets, is bluish green.
- He is patron of doctors and hospitals in the Yoruba religion.
- He loves precious stones in nature, also art and music, and the pure love that comes from the heart.
- Their bead necklaces or elekes, as it is translated in Yoruba, are colored in Prussian blue, green and coral. They are also adorned with various precious stones.
- Inlé's children are generally calm, responsible people and above all they are known for their actions based on experience and wisdom about other people.
- It is the doctor in the Rule of Osha or Santeria, in fact, the trident of Inle, an element of power that represents it is the same symbol that we identify in medicine.
- Inle is an orisha who had romantic relationships with some female orishas, such as Yemayá, Obba Nani and Oshún, but his wife is Abata, the Yoruba goddess of sandy beaches and marshes.
- His energy lives near the coast where the river and the sea meet, there he remains as a man with fine and delicate features, he is very beautiful, he has silky hair and wears 7 braids, always dressed in the best and most beautiful fabrics.
- He is also a great fisherman and hunter, tasks that he performs with wisdom and therefore provides food to man on Earth.
- Inle likes good food and drinks, so we religious should always treat him with respect.
If you want to an offering to Inle to venerate him, and beg him for health and protection, click here to view it.
The powerful prayer to Inle asking the Orisha for protection
To venerate the orisha and pray to her, and above all to thank her, we can light her a white candle, or candles with her colors that are the blue and green.
The really important thing is to give it light with faith and humility.
Maferefún INLÉ every day of this world!
Inle, powerful orisha, you who are an infallible, divine, practical and safe hunter, we ask you to help us in health, love, abundance and money.
Cultivate tranquility in our homes and drive away our enemies.
Great Inlè I know that you are a hunter responsible for the food of men on earth, that we do not lack food, that disease does not attack us, that misfortunes never reach our loved ones.
Your energies always alert us when something negative can interfere in our work, so we ask you for a life of good possibilities and progress, and in love, please take actions that can strengthen our unions.
But, above all, grant us the gift of health, well-being and balance, in you great Inle we put our faith and love, so that death and misfortune do not reach us. Ashe Baba Inle.