Baby Jesus, the image that many put close to their young children, to protect them from dangers and difficulties, to whom we entrust ourselves in the face of life's adversities and to whom we always ask to keep a place for us in heaven.
The Divine Child or the Child Jesus is the name with which the devotion of the Catholic faithful to the childhood of Jesus Christ is recognized, from his birth to the age of 12 and to which he is prayed in many parts of the world through different invocations.
Invocations of the Child Jesus

Many are the figures or invocations of the childhood of Jesus throughout the world. Some of the most recognized devotions are:
- The Holy Child of Atocha in Atocha, Madrid, Spain and other Latin American countries.
- The Child Jesus of Escuque, Trujillo, Venezuela.
- The Infant Jesus of Prague.
- Holy Child of Aracoeli in Rome.
- Holy Child Jesus of the Afflicted in San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Tenerife.
- Divine Child Jesus of Florence in Florence, Colombia.
- Divino Niño del Veinte de Julio, in Bogotá, Colombia.
- The Holy Child Jesus Doctor of the Sick, in Tepeaca, Puebla, Mexico.
- The Holy Child Jesus of Health, in Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico.
- El Niñopan, in Xochimilco, Mexico City.
The belief in the childhood of the Divine Child is founded by the scriptures in the Bible, which indicate that we must transform our hearts to be similar to Jesus, by recognizing and depending on divine help as children.
In the Gospel of John, Christ also invites us to trust Him.
"And whatever you ask in my name, I will do it, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son," it is written.
"I assure you: if you do not change and become like children, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven." Matthew 18,3
It is also said that the devotion to the infant figure of Jesus is recognized today as a legend of Mount Carmel in Israel, to which Jesus frequently went to walk and pray with his parents, Saint Joseph and the Virgin Mary, and his grandparents Saint Joaquín and Santa Ana.
Since childhood, people already venerated the Child Jesus for the miracles attributed to his birth and his pious works, and after the ascension of Christ, they continued with that devotion.
Devotion to the Divine Child and his miracles
It is said that numerous saints of the Catholic Church also venerated the figure of the Divine Child Jesus, as is the case of Saint Anthony of Padua, Saint Cayetano, Saint Teresa of Jesus and Saint John of the Cross, who spread this faith and the love that they felt for the infant figure of Jesus among their own devotees.
Likewise, there are places in the world that stand out for their immense devotion to the Divine Child, such as Colombia, where the Salesian priest Fr. Juan del Rizzo built a temple after asking for the Lord's help for the merits of his childhood. . After the miracle, he dedicated his life to the spread of devotion to the Child Jesus.
Thus, the Colombians were forming an extremely strong faith, worshiping the Divine Child as an invocation of the childhood of Jesus. Many are entrusted to him, asking above all for help to overcome difficulties and good health.
It was the same priest who began the devotion to the childhood of Christ in the neighborhood "20 de Julio" of Bogotá, so that today in much of Latin America his day is celebrated on that date.
In fact, there is a story in Bogotá of a girl who could not move her legs or arms without suffering great pain. The cries of anguish made the whole family suffer, fearing the worst.
But one day, the mother of the little girl decided to pray to the childhood image of Jesus for the healing of her little girl, and took her to the room so that the sick woman could kiss her.
This is what the girl did and hours later she was shaking her arms and legs with joy, no longer in pain. The miracle was witnessed by the whole family and today it has become a legend that confirms faith in the Divine Child.
Many are those who kneel every day before the image of the Divine Child Jesus, bring him dozens of flowers and light candles in his honor, imploring him for health, especially that of young children, in addition to divine protection, serenity to face life and strength to overcome obstacles.
- Did you know that in the Afro-Cuban religion is the Santo Niño de Atocha syncretized with the Orisha Eleguá? Read more Click here
The Divino Infant Jesus and his miraculous prayers

The Divine Child manifests in his human nature the love of a child, many thus raise a Prayer of Trust to the Divine Child so that he will always keep a place for us in heaven.
Prayer of the trust of the Divine Child:
Kind child of my life
Comfort of Christians
The grace that I need
I put in your blessed hands.
Our father…
You who know my regrets
Well, I trust you all
Give peace to the troubled
And relief to my heart.
God save you Maria ...
And although your love does not deserve
I will not turn to you in vain
Well, you are the Son of God
And help from Christians.
Glory to the Father ...
Divine Child Jesus, bless us.
Healings, jobs, family reconciliation, business protection and many miracles have been awarded to the Divine Child, who is always prayed to from the heart and with great faith in the miracle that the Child Jesus can work to free us from evil.
Prayer to the Divine Child for protection from dangers and enemies
- So we pray to him to be free from danger.
Lord God, Almighty King, all things are placed in your hands. If you want to save your people, no one can resist your will.
You made heaven and earth and everything that is contained in them. You are the owner of all things.
Who can resist your Majesty? Lord God of our fathers: have mercy on your people because the enemies of the soul want to lose us and the difficulties that arise before us are very great, you have said: "Ask and it will be given to you. He who asks receives. But ask with faith.
So hear our prayers. Forgive our guilt.
Take away from us the punishments we deserve and make our crying turn into joy, so that living we may praise your Holy Name and continue to praise Him eternally in heaven.
For difficult times we dedicate this Prayer to the Divine Child Jesus
- And this is the plea for hard times
Divine Child Jesus:
I have a thousand difficulties: help me.
From the enemies of the soul: save me.
In my mistakes: enlighten me.
In my doubts and sorrows: tell me.
In my solitudes: accompany me.
In my illnesses: strengthen me.
When they despise me: cheer me up.
In temptations: defend me.
In difficult hours: console me.
With your paternal heart: love me.
With your immense power: protect me.
And in your arms when it expires: receive me.
To raise prayers to the Divine Child, many indicate that a Novena of three Our Fathers and a salve, offer, confess and receive communion should also be said. It is always required to speak to the Child Jesus with great faith and ask for his help when we find ourselves in difficulties.
The novena of the 3 Our Fathers
Oh Jesus: to your heart as a Friend I come to trust (name of person or need).
I surrender to your power ...
I trust your wisdom ...
I abandon myself to your mercy ...
Son of God, You may well help me ... Our Father ...
My Redeemer: You know how much I need it ... Our Father ...
I rest in the tenderness of your love ...
Our father…
Oh Jesus: your Redemption deserves everything.
Your mediation reaches everything.
Your love as a Father, pities him all.
Divine Child Jesus, I trust in you (five times).
Oh Jesus. You said: “If you want to please me, trust me: if you want to please me more, trust me more.
If you want to please me immensely,
trust me immensely.
I ask you to increase my confidence.
I want to trust you immensely.
In You Lord I hope. And I will not stop loving you forever.
Divine Child Jesus: Deliver us from all evil. Amen.

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