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Practical Guide to Develop your Spiritual Gifts in the Vault

If we are born with a spiritual gift and do not work on it, that ability can diminish over time. It is important to learn and practice our gifts and grow spiritually, this will open the paths for us in life.

Each of us is born with a different spiritual gift. Some feel uncomfortable with this faculty, but we must accept and develop it. This is how we receive messages and advice; our dreams and intuitions will be clearer.

What does the Spiritual Vault represent?

The Spiritual Vault is a place where the spirituality of our spiritual entities is concentrated and It is through it that you can also strengthen your Spiritual Chart y develop your gifts.

It is a sacred space where we summon, attend to and give light to these spirits, who give us spiritual peace in return.

Importance of the Spiritual Vault in Spiritism

To maintain and strengthen our spiritual chart, it is essential to sit in our Spiritual Vault regularly. Prayer to our ancestors, guides and protective spirits is vital. Candlelight and prayers are essential for the spirit, transmitting strength and spiritual clarity.

Strengthen your Spiritual Gifts Step by Step in the Spiritual Vault

It is essential to sit in the Spiritual Vault when we are calm, unhurried, connecting deeply with our spiritual beings.

First step: 

When we sit in the spiritual vault, cross ourselves and pray three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and three Glory to God.

Second step: 

You can do spiritual readings that help you connect with yourself and with the spiritualities that accompany you. Some of them are:

  • Read prayers from the book “Chosen Prayers” by Allan Kardec, such as:
  • Prayer of the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory to God
  • Evocation of good spirits
  • Everyday prayer
  • Praises to God
  • Prayer at the beginning of the meeting
  • Spiritual prayers
  • Prayer for mediums
  • Prayer to Guardian Spirits and Protective Spirits
  • Prayer to ward off evil spirits
  • Prayer for people who have loved each other
  • Prayer of the Castaway
  • Prayer to the Guardian Angel

3. Write messages from your Spiritual Guides

During prayers, depending on our energies, we can feel the presence of our spirit guides. We can perceive its messages mentally or even auditorily. It is useful to have paper and pencil on hand to write down any messages or advice we receive.

If you don't feel anything at first, don't stop. Constant practice is key.

At the end of the session in the spiritual vault, the prayer “At the end of the Meeting” is read to say goodbye to the beings of light. We close with three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and three Glory Bes.

4. What to do if you identify Needy Spirits?

Sometimes spirits in need can sense the light and hear our prayers.

I tell you that at first, sitting in my spiritual vault, I felt sleepy, with slight headaches and cold pains that ran through my entire body and I was scared.

These were signs of spirits that needed light. When this happened, I would cleanse myself and strip in front of my spiritual vault with the water prepared for stripping or florida water and cascarilla and continued.

4. Spiritual Vault Customization

Each spiritual vault and spiritual box is unique, just as each of us is. Having 7, 8 or 9 vessels in a vault does not mean it is wrong, nor does it mean having a joint vault.

My personal criterion is that we cannot lose faith, love and trust in our guides and protectors, because that is what is fundamental.

I hope this little information about the Spiritual Vault and spiritualism is of great help to you. If you have any questions or want to share how you work in your spiritual vault, write it in the comments and we will read it to you, a hug and many blessings to you.

Learn more about spiritual vaults and their power:

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