Choose the little one from Osha, who transforms everything, the one who opens the roads but also closes them when we do not respect him, offend or when our path is wrong and he hinders it so that we do not fall into traps or mistakes.
This offering is very simple, without so many complications, but it takes faith and love.
That faith that we must not break and have every day, even one more drop of it to move on.
Addimú to Elegguá to overcome difficulties and open paths of development
Elegguá likes sweets a lot, he is very gluttonous and with each offering that we deposit with sweet forms a great uproar.
Ingredients that we will need in the work:
- Panetelas of any kind (various sweets that you can crumble)
- White or clay plate
- 1 white candle
- Candies
- Smoked hutia
- Smoked fish
- Toasted corn
- Corojo butter
- Honey bee
- Schnapps
- Tobacco
- 7 cents
Step by step let us prepare this work for Eleguá with faith:
You can use any type of candy that you can crumble later or destroy with your hands.
If you don't have Eleguá, you can place the work behind the front door of your home.
- First you put the sweets on your plate, it can be 3 or 7, or more if you want.
- You deposit them in front of Elegguá, but if you prefer you can put it directly into his mud fryer.
- You light the candle and ask for his blessing, you give knowledge of who you are and what you offer him, you make your request and thank him.
Remember that it is talking and meditating with the Orisha, it is not lighting the candle and leaving his side, we must show respect.
- Then you throw candy, also by numbers of 3, 7 or more, up to 21 can be. You will remove their wrapping from the candies and thus you will give them to them.
- Throw smoked Jutía, smoked fish, toasted corn, corojo butter and honey on top of the work.
- You blow brandy and tobacco smoke and deposit the 7 cents so that you never lack abundance and prosperity.
A 3-Day offering to “activate the good paths”
You will have this offering for 3 days, lighting that candle every day and take advantage of this moment to talk with the orisha of the roads.
On the third day in front of Elegguá and with both hands you destroy everything into crumbs and give him the knowledge that you are going to water all this at the door of your house or at the door that faces the street in case you live in a place where you have 2 entrance doors.
Prosperity and evolution enter the door of Home
In order for him to bring you the desired unfolding that you wait so much for through his intercession and help, you again put honey to the work and you will go to the main entrance door of your house and scatter those bits, asking for evolution and opening the ways.
You can leave it as long as you want in front of the door and after a while you pick it up and throw it away, if you have a patio you can leave it there.
May the blessing of the orisha arrive with this powerful offering of sweets for Eleguá, opening paths and removing difficulties. May health, love and prosperity come.