One year ends and another begins and as religious we must do Ebbó, clean ourselves to start with positive energies, attracting all the good and leaving negativities behind.
In the Yoruba religion, when you have faith, you make ebbó even with fresh water, because if you put all your heart into what you do and who you do it for, there is no reason for the negative to visit you.
To clean our body and spaces such as the home or business, great things are not needed as long as it is done with faith, because the Eggun, the Oshas and Orishas know how to offer them and ask with devotion.
Remember that in this life we can try to deceive everyone, except everything that assists and protects us.
Here are some recommendations that will be of great help to you and that you can do before the end of the year.
Religious recommendations to close cycles Ebbó at the end of the year!
To attract good energy you can clean your body and your spaces with any of these elements that we share, remember, end of the year rituals serve us for abundance and prosperity, health, love and money, and all the good things you need in your life.
Activate your life with these rituals for December 31 or days before the end of the year.
6 Baths and body cleansing to look forward to the new year:
- This New Year's bath is a powerful cleanse with roses to purify and activate good energy:
Place seven black princes tied with 7 ribbons of different colors on behalf of the 7 African powers and put them for 7 days in a vase next to a candle.
On the seventh day it must be cleaned with the flowers and thrown in the bush. Light the candle every day for a while.
- Make baths with white flower petals and some goat's milk in the name of Obatalá. Then wear white clothes to attract health and luck.
- Take spiritual baths with serene water (water collected by serene the night before) and a bit of cascarilla.
- Wipe the body with a piece of bread spread with cocoa butter and cascarillaRemember to start cleaning at the head and finish at the feet.
- You can do a body cleanse with a smeared bread of corojo butter and a little cascarilla powder, then take it to the bush or to the garbage outside the house.
- The body must be cleaned with 2 eggs at the same time smeared with cascarilla and then you must throw them in the trash outside the house, in a bush or forest.
The previous cleanings have in common the use of a sacred element, so if you wish Prepare homemade Cascarilla step by step step you can read the procedure by clicking here.
4 Spiritual cleanings to carry out in the home or business at the end of the year:
- Put a gourd at the entrance of the house with a mattress or base of leaves from the abrecamino plant and place candies on top, which you will give as a gift to everyone who comes to your home.
- Clean the house with 3 powerful plants: mint, purslane and freshness. You should only put these plants in the water that you will use to clean.
- You can clean the house with water and egg white, and then with white flowers and Agua de Florida, if you don't have it, add 7 drops of cologne or perfume that has a fresh aroma, like violet water.
- Something extremely important is that at the time of striking 12 at night on December 31, you must have a white candle lit on the table to give light to our deceased and good beings, or in the spiritual vault if you have it.
I hope your new year is prosperous, that you receive everything that you propose, especially health, which is the most important thing in this life. Many blessings to you from the bottom of my heart.
May my advice be for your good with the blessing of all what you administer to me and my guardian angel, a happy and prosperous new year to you and yours.
Learn about other Spiritual Tips and powerful cleansing:

5 powerful prayers to clean the home and protect it from bad vibes

Spiritual ceremony with Incense of Rosemary, Thyme and Eucalyptus for fortune

Home cleaning works on behalf of Olokun and Oshún to attract Iré

Cleanse your 4 Energies with this Ritual Prayer for Protection and Guidance

4 Things that we should NOT have in our house if we want good vibes

How to clean my astral with an egg?

Cinnamon and its spiritual meaning

What Flowers are good for the house? 3 that should NOT be missing in your home