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How do the Jimaguas help you? The color of the candle to pray to the Ibeyis

How do the Jimaguas help you?

The Ibeyis or Jimaguas personify fortune, luck and prosperity in the Yoruba Pantheon.

The twins, always with their little drums, can be represented by three combinations of figures, one female and one male, two males or two females, and they are seen as protectors of children and those who walk in the mountains.

In the Santeria or Rule of Osha, they are the darlings of all the other Orishas.

We pray with faith to our little ones jimaguas

The twins help anyone who needs it, you just have to have a lot of faith in their power.

They are called primarily by devotees to:

  • Ask for their immense protection and their strength, which, it is said, can save from death and all that is malevolent.
  • Many parents who are concerned about their young children pray to the Ibeyis. They ask for his divine protection so that nothing bad can come near the children.
  • They provide health in illness and balance when the roads are closed.
  • They protect the unfortunate, and all of us who are stalked by enemies in life.

Red, blue and white: The colors of the Ibeyis

In Santeria they live in two small jars due to their figure of children, one decorated in red and white and the other in white and blue, their representative colors.

For this reason, on his altar, the devotees place symbols and attributes of blue, red and white colors.

Offerings and candles dedicated to the Twin Orishas

If we want to entertain them when we pray, we cannot forget the offerings, since the little Ibeyis are extremely sweet and mischievous.

They like all kinds of offerings, for example:

  • Fruits like Santo Domingo mamey, soursop and mamoncillo,
  • sweets and candies,
  • yellow rice and popcorn.

We must remember that to pray to the Ibeyis and ask for their blessing, we must locate blue, red and white candles.

Although these colors must usually be combined, we can also light only white candles to pray, which is the quintessential tone for this activity.

The important thing is that they receive light with love and faith, you can also place a homemade wick in their name.

Prayer to the Ibeyis, our saviors

With the light of the candles we will illuminate our prayers, which will reach the Ibeyis more clearly and allow us to connect with them to ask for their help.

Thus, we can implore them to open the paths of prosperity, fortune and health for us.

  • We can say the following prayer to invoke the Ibeyis.

My Ibeyis Jimaguas, are the strength and power of children.

Pure energy, true strength, that shines in the blue sky and in the rose of flowers.

Bring peace to our home and hope, take care of our children.

Intercede with Father Obatalá, with his immense purity, and receive my requests clearly and attend to the truth.

Sweet children, with your holy protection give us comfort and support in difficult times.

Accept this offering and I pray that I truly make you and intercede for me to the father of supreme love.

Thank you from now on, and forever my sacred children. Thanks.

We share some offerings dedicated to the Jimaguas:

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