Oshun, beautiful Orisha who owns the world's rivers and sweet waters, who with her honey attracts what she wants, even the most unsuspected loves.
The most loving orisha, the owner of the honey of bees that falls in love with her walk, her beauty and goodness, the mermaid of the waters that dances with the current and watches over the care of her children.
If you have a problem in matters of love, she is the one to ask that love rejoin you and you can seduce him.
This work of sweetening with Oshún is very beautiful, simple and powerful, also remember that faith above all things is important and without it we can do nothing.
Even when the slightest sign tells you that you cannot solve it, faith in Oshún will give you an answer.
- Brown paper (it is cartridge paper or known as kraft)
- 1 cinnamon stick
- Cup
- Honey
- 2 yellow or white candles
How do we make this powerful sweetening in the name of Oshún?
- In a small butcher paper (that fits inside the cinnamon stick) you will put the name of that person that interests you with graphite pencil.
- After putting his name on the paper, you wrap it well like a parchment and insert it inside the cinnamon stick.
- This you introduce it in the glass and you pour honey to cover the cinnamon stick.
- You light the 2 candles at the foot of Oshún and ask for his blessing and give him knowledge of who you are and what you want to achieve with his help.
- Then you taste the honey in the glass with a finger.
Put a lot of faith so that love comes to you ...
Every day for 15 days you will light those candles for a little while, and at that moment you spend a conversation with Oshún and ask him to help you, and to intercede on your behalf so that that love is strengthened and blessed by her.
- After 15 days you will throw away the used items, you can repeat this work if you have not yet obtained the desired results.
The day you start the work and every day, you will pray this prayer in his name to strengthen the ritual of sweetening with Oshún. May the blessing of the queen of love bring you everything you seek and deserve.
Sweetening prayer with Oshún, the Goddess of Love:
Dear Oshún, beautiful and loving queen
Unique goddess of love and fertility,
Beautiful among the beautiful and the most seductive,
I invoke you today and I beg for your presence,
so that with your powers you can achieve
intercede for me and attract that lovethat I want so much and that I know corresponds to me,
but for things in life distance has been generated
And now we are separated
Give me the weapons necessary to seduce my love
(person's name) and make
love for both of you be beautiful and prosperous.
Intercede so that we both only have eyes for our love.May life fill us with happiness and joys,
and let us form a beautiful family.
Give me your powers of seduction beautiful goddess,
Powers that only you possess, beautiful queen.
I heartily long for this love, because I know that together we will achieveWalk on a beautiful path, full of love and joy.
I beg you mother that under your power it is fulfilled
This is what my humble heart asks of you. Thanks Oshún
Other powerful rituals to attract love:

Work at the foot of Obatalá ► Strengthening the Union and Love between people

5 Cleaning Baths with Oshún «to Open the Paths to Love»

How to prepare 3 Oshún Baths for Love? "Rituals of attraction"

Why should you never make a Love Mooring? What you should know

Work to Shango to get something specific "from another person"

How to prepare an Oshún Perfume to attract love?

Ritual to strengthen the love of two people

Work with Shango for Love and Sweeten the person effectively