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Work of sweetening at the foot of Oshún to strengthen the bonds of Love

Sweeten a person with Oshún

In case you need to save your love relationship because you see that it is fading, you can perform this work (ritual) to strengthen that feeling of union and achieve again that the illusion of love comes into your life.

The one in charge of making that love reborn in the Yoruba Pantheon It is the Orisha Oshún, owner of rivers and feelings, who awakens love and sweetness in all of us.

The goddess Oshún is a divinity who provides the most beautiful of the feelings of the earth, to her we go and pray so that she intercedes for us and helps us open the ways of love.

Also essential is your faith, because without faith nothing can be done that leads to positive results.


  • White candle
  • Cinnamon
  • White sugar
  • Honey
  • White plate
  • White cloth
  • Photo of both people

How to sweeten a person with Oshún?

  1. First on the candle you will write your name and that of the person next to you.
  2. You take the candle and you should sprinkle it with cinnamon, white sugar and honey.
  3. On a white plate you put a photo of both of them together in the background and put the candle on top.
  4. If they are not together in the photo, place them together so that they are face to face.
  5. You put him at the foot of Oshún and light the candle, ask him for his blessing and give him knowledge of the work that you will do in his name.
  6. That candle must be completely consumed.
  7. When consumed you must take everything that is left on the plate, wrap it in a white cloth and leave it at the foot of Oshún.

Tips for performing the ritual with Oshún, the goddess of love:

In case of not having Oshún received, all those remains of the plate are deposited under your bed until the union is strengthened again.

Remember that these works are done with great faith, especially when the brightness of the relationship has dimmed, so it is important that you and that person are in love, like each other or maintain love ties, and not do it out of whims or insecurities.

This is not a tie, a negative ritual or to do harm, it is only to strengthen ties and make them more positive, loving and lasting.

Remember that with faith we entrust ourselves in this powerful ritual to Sweeten a person with Oshún, because she is the goddess in charge of making love reborn in this life.

Some beautiful rituals to attract love into our life:

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