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Enriquito Hernandez Armenteros

Enriquito Hernandez Armenteros

Enrique Hernandez Armenteros o Enrico, was known by his hundreds of friends, by his godchildren, by his companions, in short, by the people of Cuba who held him in high esteem until his last days, in 2017, when he left the earthly plane and began to take care of all those who need your guidance.

Enriquito, illustrious son of Guanabacoa (capital municipality that welcomed him), held Afro-Cuban culture high and placed it at the highest level of his life. Bantu priest, who defended his African roots and his religion of origin "El Palo Monte", a wonderful legacy that his conga grandmother inherited.

He traveled practically all the ways of Afro-Cuban and mythical-magical roots on the Island, since he began in Palo Monte, then he was admitted to Abakuá society and finally he was consecrated in the Rule of Ocha, eventually serving as an Ifá priest. .

Enrique Hernández Armenteros, for Afro-Cuban culture

"An excellent person, I had the opportunity to meet him personally and he made a great contribution to his legacy and enrichment of the Afro culture in Cuba, in his legendary Villa de Pepe Antonio, Guanabacoa and his La Hata neighborhood"

This is how an online comment about the legacy of Enrico, hinting at the powerful faculty of this special man to guide the devotees and develop the Afro-Cuban culture.

And is that the babalawo Enrico He always worked to unite his godchildren and those close to him.

Its mission was to let them know the importance of the preservation and adequate appreciation of Afro-Cuban roots and the need for universal recognition of the Ifá divination system and the rumba complex, proclaimed Intangible World Heritage of Humanity by Unesco.

It is said that not only devotees of Afro-Cuban religions attended his funeral, but also people of all kinds, intellectuals, scientists, artists, students, soldiers, neighbors ... they all went to say goodbye to the one who did so much for his community.

Tata nganga

Enriquito, the greatest priest of Cuban Santeria also known as Tata nganga was consecrated with the orisha Eleggua And to him she fully dedicated herself, her Cubanness and love for religion were in her veins.

In his house, he had images and attributes of orishas from the Yoruba pantheon such as Babalú Ayé, Ochún, Changó and Yemayá, although he always defended "Palo Monte" as his religion of origin, the one he carried in his heart because it was the one he liked the most. .

From his community, he guided all those who needed his consultation and guidance, and those who requested spiritual help, always saying that the one who could solve problems was the Orisha, he only interpreted their designs.

Afro-Cuban Religious Association "Hijos de San Lázaro"

Enrico Hernandez Armenteros He was the founder in 1957 of the Afro-Cuban Religious Association "Hijos de San Lázaro", which has been out since December 16 on the eve of the celebration carrying the image of San Lázaro or Babalú Ayé through the main streets of Guanabacoa.

The love, faith and devotion that are felt in the streets of this religious municipality when Old Lazarus is celebrated, has such a powerful charge of spirituality that it is felt in the air, an entire town celebrating the blessings and heartfelt thanks to the holy-Orisha that we all worship.

This report on the religious life of the great Tata Nganga "Enriquito" and his legacy to the Afro-Cuban religion, transmits so much religiosity that it would be impossible to explain it in words, because the life of this great man is not counted, it is felt.

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