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7 Guavas for Eleguá: Asking the Orisha to "clear the way for us"

Guavas for Eleguá

The owner of the roads loves guavas and greens much more.

Elegguá the small and giant Orisha It is who opens and closes the doors of our paths.

To open them or keep them open is this Addimú, with this offering of seven guavas for Eleguá, your paths will be cleared and no matter how complicated your problem is, you will solve it, but always putting a lot of faith and trusting with all your heart.

This offering with guavas is very simple and very effective, trust Eleguá

Eleguá Afra


  • 7 green guavas
  • Clay or white plate
  • Corojo butter
  • Honey bee
  • Tobacco
  • Ron
  • 1 candle
  • 7 cents
  • Brown paper or cartridge paper

How do we prepare this Offering to Eleguá, the little giant?

  1. First you wash the guavas and dry them, thus we remove the negative energy that they could collect.
  2. You spread the guavas with corojo butter and honey and place them on a plate.
  3. You blow tobacco smoke and rum at them, light the candle and say out loud:

Elegguá here is your son / daughter (your name) asking for your blessing
I offer you this Addimú of guava your favorites,

enjoy them and grant me open paths
to get what I need
through your intervention
Thank you Elegguá

Work of 7 days and to the Mount:

For 7 days you will have this offering and each day you will light the candle for a while.

Take advantage of this moment and sit by his side, meditate on your life, the decisions you make, what you can improve, and ask the orisha to guide you on the right path, above all ask for health and firmness in your steps.

On the seventh day, you wrap the guavas in brown paper or cartridge paper smeared with corojo butter.

You clean yourself with 7 cents, put it on the paper and close it as a gift.

You take it to the mountain, forest or a place with a lot of nature and you say:

Here I leave you Elegguá these guavas with your right.

May Elegguá free you from everything bad and may unfoldment come to your life!

Other powerful offerings with Eleguá that we can make on Mondays:

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