Asojano is the Yoruba deity that governs infectious-contagious diseases, with Leprosy being the most renowned entity related to this saint.
It is known under other names among which we can mention Babalu Aye and Saint Lazarus, deity with which it has been syncretized in the Catholic Religion.
Powerful herbal healer: Babalú Ayé
Babalú Ayé is an effective healer The one who uses the power of plants and their energy to heal the sick, this Orisha works with remedies made from vinegar, dry wine and honey.
Among its basic herbs we find the caña brava, the cojate, the toronjil, the rompe camisa and the millo, plants that it requires to culminate its saintly ceremonies.
1. Caña Brava is the herb of family unity.
The Wild Cane It is a sacred herb for Asojano, as this Ewe (herb) was consecrated by himself to his mother Nana Burukú, the goddess of spirituality.
Numerous rituals are performed with wild cane, among which those linked to harmony and family unity stand out.
2. El Cojate is the stripper Ewe of Babalú Ayé.
the fuck It is an Ewe with great virtues, this is popular among other herbs for having a special energy that is related to triumph and ambition.
This plant also known under the name of Colonia is able to ward off the eggunsespecially those who roam the earth disturbing the religious.
With its leaves rituals are performed to purify the house and expel negative energies.
3. Melissa and its healing virtues.
Melissa It is a plant with multiple medicinal properties, among which the compensation of psychiatric illnesses stands out.
With this Ewe an omiero is made with which the house is cleaned in order to promote peace and good sleep.
- Keep reading about ... What is the Omiero?
4. The Shirtbreaker is used by Asojano to pick up the bad.
When the santero speaks of gathering herbs, he cannot fail to mention the "Break shirt", this herb is closely linked with Asojano as this is the deity that governs it.
With its branches the santero cleans and collects, prepares polishing baths and removes any trace of disturbance from the house.
5. Millo is an herb of noble virtues.
The Millo It is a plant capable of preventing disease from entering a house, freeing its inhabitants from disease through this action.
For this, the santero must tie a mallet of this herb with a red ribbon, which will hang behind the door of the ilé (house).