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Did you know these 10 powerful herbs belonging to the Orisha Obatala?

Herbs of the Orisha Obatalá

The Orisha Obatala represents the greatness of intelligence over brute force, this saint is for the Yorubas the just judge who sentences the guilty and exonerates the innocent.

He is a major deity of the Yoruba Pantheon for which he is crowned in the Osha.

10 Herbs with powerful properties, uses and energies

Herbs and their properties of the orisha Obatalá

Obatalá uses herbs in many works because they are the same natural elements irradiated with divine virtues and energies.

Among these we can mention the basil, the white Christmas gift and the bitter broom, we will discuss their properties and uses below.

1. El Acebo de Sierra, the herb that restores luck.

The Holly of Sierra also known under the name of Holly of Earth is an herb used fundamentally in the realization of spiritual baths.

These are recommended so that people can regain the luck and prosperity they considered lost.

2. Barberry: the Ewe of purification.

Barberry It is used in the preparation of the Orisha Obatalá's consecration omiero, thanks to this its stones, its receptacle and its tools are consecrated.

This Ewe (herb) can be used in the manufacture of omieros for glossy baths as it is a virtuous plant for purification.

3. The White Strenna, the herb of fortune.

The White Strenna It is a plant blessed by the holy protector of human intelligence, with this one can ward off bad vibrations from the home, being protected from negative disturbances.

This herb has the great favor of attracting good fortune.

4. Aniseed Basil is a fresh Ewe

Aniseed Basil It is a fresh Ewe, very useful when you want to undertake a dispossession at home, it is required in order to soften tense environments, so that harmony between the family prevails.

5. The Tree of the Bibijagua or White Bell.

The scribbles made with the wood of this tree have the unique virtue of attracting people who were separated for certain reasons, their use stands out in the resolution of love conflicts.

6. The horn tree, its properties.

With the Horn Tree A shelter is prepared to help the man regain his virility, said amulet must be blessed before by Obatalá, requiring various ceremonies.

It is considered an effective herb in rebuilding broken marriages.

7. Sagebrush is a stripper herb.

The Artemis It is an herb that is used to make spoils and sanctifications, removing misfortune from the life of the religious, the mediums use it under the virtue of Obatala to cure diseases and undo spells.

8. The Bitter Broom is the Ewe of thought.

The Bitter Broom It is the Ewe that is used in the execution of spiritual baths, it gives joy and favors the obtaining of material and intellectual goods, a virtue for which it is considered the Ewe of thought.

9. Omiero de Atiponlá to refresh the head.

The Atiponlá It is used to make shiny baths and to refresh the head, through it good luck is obtained.

This herb is required to make the Orisha Obatalá seat omiero.

10. The Bledo Blanco is a herb of sanctuary.

With the Bledo Blanco The seat omiero is produced that is later used in the saints ceremonies, this herb is beneficial in the realization of spiritual cleansings.

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