oshosi He is a Major Orisha of the Yoruba Pantheon, his powers go beyond any banality that can be imagined by the human mind
He is considered the best and most capable of all hunters, standing out for the accuracy of his arrow, the same instrument he uses in hunting the Iré and the osogbos.
This deity lives in the jungle and therefore has vast knowledge of plants, the latter being the main ingredients in many of his spells.
8 Powerful Herbs that carry the Ashé of the hunter Oshosi:
1. Strenna White:
It is capable of warding off bad vibrations or pernicious influences, it is used to prepare lustral baths and for washing in the house because the Aguinaldo is considered a purifying plant.
Oshosi recommends baths with this herb to people who are suffering backwardness and misfortune.
2. Scorpionfish:
The Alacrancillo is another of the purifying herbs recommended by the great hunter, this is ideal for the execution of lustral baths, for being able to attract prosperity and love with them, confining solitude to be condemned to oblivion.
3. Partridge Vine:
The Partridge Vine is a witch Ewe, this is used to separate and confuse, the mayombero is the religious one who uses it most frequently in the realization of his sorceries, although the santero performs works with him in order to free from the influence of toxic loves.
4. Firebush, Scarlet Bush, Coral:
Coralillo is one of the favorite herbs of Oshosi, this is required for the performance of saints in order to perform baths, spiritual cleansings.
Among its qualities is its influence to attract good luck.
5. Enchantment:
This powerful Ewe (herb) is used by the hunter Orisha to perform love magic rituals.
With this a talisman is made capable of attracting true love, which is devoted mainly to people who have suffered strong love disappointments.
6. Coast Incense:
The incense of the coast is the herb that is used par excellence in the realization of spiritual cleansings.
The virtues of this plant are used when one breathes an atmosphere full of tension, with its omiero polishing washings are executed in order to refresh and harmonize the house.
7. Prodigious:
La Prodigiosa is the herb that is required to make the Oshosi seat omiero, with the leaves of this plant head prayers are made in order to improve health and spirituality.
8. Yellow Cabin:
The Yellow Cabin is the Ewe that is used to carry out good actions, especially those related to the ceremonies that influence the development that Oshosi is asked to benefit from third parties.