The Holy Cross It is the main symbol of Christianity, it represents:
- the past, the present and the future,
- the wood on which they crucified Christ and in turn
- God's exoneration of the sins of his children.
The interposition of the two beams that form the cross signifies union and represents the formation of the home and the consolidation of the family through the marriage union.
It also reflects the connection between father and son and the sacrifices that are made with resignation for love.
¿Chow nThis powerful and ancient prayer helps youón?

The Invocation to the Holy Cross It is an ancient prayer evoked by religious in order to obtain strength to resist against the temptation of sins, envy, violence.
This prayer is a source of refuge, a protective talisman against evil through which the devotee makes a spiritual call to God, with whom he is linked to purify his soul.
Through this prayer of healing, the human being asks Christ for consolation in the face of afflictions, hope to overcome the vicissitudes of destiny and strengthen his faith and surrender to God as an illustrious and sometimes rough path towards the salvation of his own soul.
The Faith that saves and the love that consoles.
It is important to bear in mind that the prayers that are pronounced in favor of obtaining a benefit on oneself must be loaded with conviction and must not be requested in vain, since it is the sacred word of God that is made manifest through this prayer.
Invocation to the Holy Cross
Almighty God, who suffered death on the tree of the Cross for our sins, be with me.
Holy Cross of Jesus Christ, be my hope.
Holy Cross of Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.
Holy Cross of Jesus Christ, reject from me every cutting weapon.
Holy Cross of Jesus Christ, pour out all good on me.
Holy Cross of Jesus Christ, discard all evil from me.
Holy Cross of Jesus Christ, make the path of health light.
Holy Cross of Jesus Christ, reject from me every attempt to kill.
Holy Cross of Jesus Christ, preserve me from bodily and temporary accidents.
May he adore the Holy Cross of Jesus Christ forever; Jesus of Nazareth crucified, have mercy on me.
Make the evil and harmful spirit flee from me forever and ever. Amen.
- After performing the invocation, the sign of the cross is made three times on the body.
Beautiful prayers dedicated to the Saints:

Prayer to Saint Bárbara Bendita «Against enemies and dangers»

Prayer of petition to the Miraculous Child of Atocha How to pray for help us?

Prayer to Saints Cosme and Damien

Prayer to Old Man San Lázaro who does not abandon us night or day

Prayer to San Luis Beltrán against curses, diseases and the evil eye

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin of Regla

Prayer to Saint Norbert and Oshosi for protection from threats and justice

Prayer to Saint Raphael: Divine Physician