Yemayá is the mother of humanity, because lying on a span of land gave birth to the human species.
This Orisha is considered the owner and mistress of the ocean and its surroundings.
- It is identified with the color blue, Each Yemayá avatar wears a different shade of this color.
This saint is considered a fortune teller and witch by nature, the Yoruba pantheon lists the goddess of salt water as one of its strongest warriors.
Yemayá is usually called through the sound of the batá drum, through the ringing of its bell and through prayer.
How to invoke Yemayá with my words?
Yemayá warrior mother, holy saint and fortune teller, I address my words and my thoughts to you to ask for your blessing and communicate to you the desire that afflicts me.
My Orisha, if I am worthy of your support, pour all your wisdom on me and guide my steps on a safe path.
Clean my destiny with your waves and take away everything bad from my life, but at the same time send me from the foam all the blessings that you believe I am worthy of receiving.
You who are fond of justice and who know the affliction of my heart, do not neglect my pleas.
Yemayá, you who were able to see the destiny of men from the Orula board, see my future and remove from me everything that could harm me.
Give me the strength to face the enemy and fully assume the consequences of my actions.
I ask you for health for me and for my family, seat, rest, long life and overcoming of causes and difficulties.
Lucumí prayer for Yemayá
Yemaya Orisha Obunrin dudú, kuelú re meye abayá ni re oyú, ayaba awó gba okí Yemaya Orisha Obunrin dudú, kuelú re meye abayá ni re oyú, ayaba awó gba okí me, Iyá ogá ni gbogbo okuo, ni Yeye Ogboyina, reta akun nini me, Iyá ogá ni gbogbo okuo, Yeye Omó eyá, lojunoyina ni reta gbogbo akun nini iwo ni re Oluwo, nitosi re Omó terriba, adukue Iyá Mi.
Translation of the prayer
Holy black woman, with her seven stripes on her face, Queen Guess, receive the greeting, Mother Owner of all the seas, Mother son of the fish, there far away she has greeting.
Mother Owner of all the seas, Mother son of the fish, there far away you have your seat or throne, under the sea where you have your riches for your obedient son, Thank you, my Mother.