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What is the Assumption of the Virgin? I pray to Mary, mother of faith and hope

the Assumption of the Virgin Mary

Prayer for the Assumption of the Virgin It is a prayer of faith, where the virtues of Mary as mother and its importance in the Catholic faith.

Through this prayer gratitude is offered to God and his mother, who watches from heaven for the safety and future of humanity.

Do you know what the Assumption of the Virgin Mary is?

The Assumption of Mary It is the unfounded belief by the doctrines of the Catholic and Orthodox Church that establish that when the mother of Christ fulfilled her pilgrimage on earth, she was taken body and soul to heaven, where she kept rest with her son, Almighty God.

Do you know the importance of the Assumption of the Virgin?

Due to the importance of this action in the Catholic faith, it was decided to choose a day of the year to celebrate such a glorious event.

  • The festival in honor of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary is celebrated on August 15 every year.

Day when devotees remember Mary's journey from the moment she conceived her son Jesus without the stains of original sin, to then accompany him on his way seeing him finally die for the good of humanity on the cross.

Powerful prayer for the Assumption of the Virgin María

Rejoice and be glad daughter of Jerusalem look at your king who comes to you humble, to give you your part in his victory.

You are the first of the redeemed because you were the forerunner of faith.

Today, your son comes to look for you, Virgin and mother: come my beloved, I will put you on my throne, the king is captivated by your beauty.

I want you with me to complete my saving work, you have already prepared your house where I am going to celebrate the marriage of the lamb.

Woman clothed with the sun, you give birth to the savior who pushes towards the new birth.

Blessed are you who have believed, because what has been said to you from the Lord, has already been fulfilled in you.

María Asunta, sign of hope and consolation of new and redeemed humanity, give us your son to be like you, filled with the holy spirit, a word that calls us to be, also like your sacraments of the kingdom.  

Today you, Mary, find in God the fulfillment of his covenant in the son and the holy spirit, in the embrace of a single yes. Amen.

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